Class StrategySelectorImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • StrategySelectorImpl

        public StrategySelectorImpl​(ClassLoaderService classLoaderService)
        Constructs a StrategySelectorImpl using the given class loader service.
        classLoaderService - The class loader service usable by this StrategySelectorImpl instance.
    • Method Detail

      • registerStrategyLazily

        public <T> void registerStrategyLazily​(Class<T> strategy,
                                               LazyServiceResolver<T> resolver)
      • registerStrategyImplementor

        public <T> void registerStrategyImplementor​(Class<T> strategy,
                                                    String name,
                                                    Class<? extends T> implementation)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Registers a named implementor of a particular strategy contract.
        Specified by:
        registerStrategyImplementor in interface StrategySelector
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The strategy contract.
        name - The registration name
        implementation - The implementation Class
      • unRegisterStrategyImplementor

        public <T> void unRegisterStrategyImplementor​(Class<T> strategy,
                                                      Class<? extends T> implementation)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Un-registers a named implementor of a particular strategy contract. Un-registers all named registrations for the given strategy contract naming the given class.
        Specified by:
        unRegisterStrategyImplementor in interface StrategySelector
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The strategy contract.
        implementation - The implementation Class
      • selectStrategyImplementor

        public <T> Class<? extends T> selectStrategyImplementor​(Class<T> strategy,
                                                                String name)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Locate the named strategy implementation.
        Specified by:
        selectStrategyImplementor in interface StrategySelector
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type of strategy to be resolved.
        name - The name of the strategy to locate; might be either a registered name or the implementation FQN.
        The named strategy implementation class.
      • resolveStrategy

        public <T> T resolveStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                                     Object strategyReference)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Resolve strategy instances. See discussion on StrategySelector.resolveDefaultableStrategy(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object, T). Only difference is that here, the implied default value is null.
        Specified by:
        resolveStrategy in interface StrategySelector
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type (interface) of the strategy to be resolved.
        strategyReference - The reference to the strategy for which we need to resolve an instance.
        The strategy instance
      • resolveDefaultableStrategy

        public <T> T resolveDefaultableStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                                                Object strategyReference,
                                                T defaultValue)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Resolve strategy instances. The incoming reference might be:
        • null - in which case defaultValue is returned.
        • An actual instance of the strategy type - it is returned, as is
        • A reference to the implementation Class - an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance() (aka, the class's no-arg ctor).
        • The name of the implementation class - First the implementation's Class reference is resolved, and then an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance()
        Specified by:
        resolveDefaultableStrategy in interface StrategySelector
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type (interface) of the strategy to be resolved.
        strategyReference - The reference to the strategy for which we need to resolve an instance.
        defaultValue - THe default value to use if strategyReference is null
        The strategy instance
      • resolveDefaultableStrategy

        public <T> T resolveDefaultableStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                                                Object strategyReference,
                                                Callable<T> defaultResolver)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Resolve strategy instances. The incoming reference might be:
        • null - in which case defaultValue is returned.
        • An actual instance of the strategy type - it is returned, as is
        • A reference to the implementation Class - an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance() (aka, the class's no-arg ctor).
        • The name of the implementation class - First the implementation's Class reference is resolved, and then an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance()
        Specified by:
        resolveDefaultableStrategy in interface StrategySelector
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type (interface) of the strategy to be resolved.
        strategyReference - The reference to the strategy for which we need to resolve an instance.
        defaultResolver - A strategy for resolving the default value strategyReference resolves to null.
        The strategy instance
      • getRegisteredStrategyImplementors

        public Collection getRegisteredStrategyImplementors​(Class strategy)
        Description copied from interface: StrategySelector
        Retrieve all of the registered implementors of the given strategy. Useful to allow defaulting the choice to the single registered implementor when only one is registered
        Specified by:
        getRegisteredStrategyImplementors in interface StrategySelector
        The implementors. Should never return null