Interface SqmToSqlAstConverter

    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentClauseStack

        Stack<Clause> getCurrentClauseStack()
      • getCurrentSqmQueryPart

        default SqmQueryPart<?> getCurrentSqmQueryPart()
      • registerQueryTransformer

        void registerQueryTransformer​(QueryTransformer transformer)
      • getCurrentlyProcessingJoinType

        SqlAstJoinType getCurrentlyProcessingJoinType()
        Returns the SqlAstJoinType of the currently processing join if there is one, or null. This is used to determine the join type for implicit joins happening in the ON clause.
      • isInTypeInference

        boolean isInTypeInference()
        Returns whether the state of the translation is currently in type inference mode. This is useful to avoid type inference based on other incomplete inference information.
      • resolveFunctionImpliedReturnType

        MappingModelExpressible<?> resolveFunctionImpliedReturnType()
        Returns the function return type implied from the context within which it is used. If there is no current function being processed or no context implied type, the return is null.
      • expandSelfRenderingFunctionMultiValueParameter

        List<Expression> expandSelfRenderingFunctionMultiValueParameter​(SqmParameter<?> sqmParameter)
      • resolveMetadata

        default <S,​M> M resolveMetadata​(S source,
                                              Function<S,​M> producer)
        Resolve a generic metadata object from the provided source, using the specified producer.