Nodes representing path expressions in the SQM tree.
Interface Summary
Interface |
Description |
SqmCorrelation<O,T> |
Specialization of SqmFrom for sub-query correlations
SqmPath<T> |
Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.
SqmPathWrapper<W,T> |
SqmPath specialization for an SqmPath that wraps another SqmPath
SqmSimplePath<T> |
Specialization of SqmPath for paths that are not explicitly defined
in the from-clause ( SqmFrom }
SqmTreatedPath<T,S extends T> |
Class Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractSqmAttributeJoin<O,T> |
Models a join based on a mapped attribute reference.
AbstractSqmFrom<O,T> |
Convenience base class for SqmFrom implementations
AbstractSqmJoin<O,T> |
AbstractSqmPath<T> |
AbstractSqmPluralJoin<O,C,E> |
AbstractSqmQualifiedJoin<O,T> |
AbstractSqmSimplePath<T> |
AbstractSqmSpecificPluralPartPath<T> |
NonAggregatedCompositeSimplePath<T> |
SqmAnyValuedSimplePath<T> |
SqmBagJoin<O,E> |
SqmBasicValuedSimplePath<T> |
SqmCorrelatedBagJoin<O,T> |
SqmCorrelatedCrossJoin<T> |
SqmCorrelatedEntityJoin<T> |
SqmCorrelatedListJoin<O,T> |
SqmCorrelatedMapJoin<O,K,V> |
SqmCorrelatedPluralPartJoin<O,T> |
SqmCorrelatedRoot<T> |
SqmCorrelatedRootJoin<T> |
SqmCorrelatedSetJoin<O,T> |
SqmCorrelatedSingularJoin<O,T> |
SqmCteRoot<T> |
SqmDerivedRoot<T> |
SqmElementAggregateFunction<T> |
SqmEmbeddedValuedSimplePath<T> |
SqmEntityValuedSimplePath<T> |
SqmFkExpression<T> |
Reference to the key-side (as opposed to the target-side) of the
foreign-key of a to-one association.
SqmFunctionPath<T> |
SqmIndexAggregateFunction<T> |
SqmIndexedCollectionAccessPath<T> |
SqmListJoin<O,E> |
SqmMapEntryReference<K,V> |
Represents the reference to a Map attribute's Map.Entry entries
in a select clause
SqmMapJoin<O,K,V> |
SqmPluralPartJoin<O,T> |
SqmPluralValuedSimplePath<C> |
An SqmPath for plural attribute paths
SqmPolymorphicRootDescriptor<T> |
SqmSetJoin<O,E> |
SqmSingularJoin<O,T> |
SqmTreatedBagJoin<O,T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedCrossJoin<T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedEmbeddedValuedSimplePath<T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedEntityJoin<T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedEntityValuedSimplePath<T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedListJoin<O,T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedMapJoin<O,K,V,S extends V> |
SqmTreatedPluralPartJoin<O,T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedRoot<T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedSetJoin<O,T,S extends T> |
SqmTreatedSingularJoin<O,T,S extends T> |