Interface TableMapping

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CollectionTableMapping, EntityTableMapping

public interface TableMapping extends TableDetails
Describes a table as far as Hibernate understands it from mapping details

Includes basic details, in addition to details about the table in relation to a particular MutationTarget

  • Method Details

    • getTableName

      String getTableName()
      The name of the mapped table
      Specified by:
      getTableName in interface TableDetails
    • containsTableName

      default boolean containsTableName(String tableName)
    • getRelativePosition

      int getRelativePosition()
      The position of the table relative to others for the MutationTarget
    • isOptional

      boolean isOptional()
      Whether the table is mapped as optional
    • isInverse

      boolean isInverse()
      Whether the table is mapped as inverse
    • isIdentifierTable

      boolean isIdentifierTable()
      Whether this table holds the identifier for the MutationTarget
      Specified by:
      isIdentifierTable in interface TableDetails
    • getInsertDetails

      TableMapping.MutationDetails getInsertDetails()
      Details for insertion into this table
    • getUpdateDetails

      TableMapping.MutationDetails getUpdateDetails()
      Details for updating this table
    • isCascadeDeleteEnabled

      boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled()
      Whether deletions are cascaded to this table at the database level.
      See Also:
      API Note:
      When true, isIdentifierTable() will generally be false
    • getDeleteDetails

      TableMapping.MutationDetails getDeleteDetails()
      Details for deleting from this table