Interface CacheRegionStatistics

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public interface CacheRegionStatistics extends Serializable
Second-level cache statistics of a specific region.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getRegionName

      String getRegionName()
    • getPutCount

      long getPutCount()
      The number of cache puts into the region since the last Statistics clearing
    • getHitCount

      long getHitCount()
      The number of successful cache look-ups against the region since the last Statistics clearing
    • getMissCount

      long getMissCount()
      The number of unsuccessful cache look-ups against the region since the last Statistics clearing
    • getElementCountInMemory

      long getElementCountInMemory()
      The number of elements currently in memory within the cache provider.

      This is an optional value contingent upon the underlying cache provider providing extended stats support via ExtendedStatisticsSupport. If the provider does not support extended stats, NO_EXTENDED_STAT_SUPPORT_RETURN is returned instead.

    • getElementCountOnDisk

      long getElementCountOnDisk()
      The number of elements currently stored to disk within the cache provider.

      This is an optional value contingent upon the underlying cache provider providing extended stats support via ExtendedStatisticsSupport. If the provider does not support extended stats, NO_EXTENDED_STAT_SUPPORT_RETURN is returned instead.

    • getSizeInMemory

      long getSizeInMemory()
      The size that the in-memory elements take up within the cache provider.

      This is an optional value contingent upon the underlying cache provider providing extended stats support via ExtendedStatisticsSupport. If the provider does not support extended stats, NO_EXTENDED_STAT_SUPPORT_RETURN is returned instead.