Interface InformationExtractor

    • Method Detail

      • catalogExists

        boolean catalogExists​(Identifier catalog)
        Does the given catalog exist yet?
        catalog - The name of the catalog to look for.
        true if the catalog does exist; false otherwise
      • schemaExists

        boolean schemaExists​(Identifier catalog,
                             Identifier schema)
        Does the given schema exist yet?
        catalog - The name of the catalog to look in.
        schema - The name of the schema to look for.
        true if the schema does exist; false otherwise
      • getTable

        TableInformation getTable​(Identifier catalog,
                                  Identifier schema,
                                  Identifier tableName)
        Look for a matching table.
        catalog - Can be null, indicating that any catalog may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed catalog.
        schema - Can be null, indicating that any schema may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed schema .
        tableName - The name of the table to look for.
        table info for the matching table
      • getTables

        NameSpaceTablesInformation getTables​(Identifier catalog,
                                             Identifier schema)
        Extract all the tables information.
        catalog - Can be null, indicating that any catalog may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed catalog.
        schema - Can be null, indicating that any schema may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed schema .
        a NameSpaceTablesInformation
      • getPrimaryKey

        PrimaryKeyInformation getPrimaryKey​(TableInformationImpl tableInformation)
        Extract information about the given table's primary key.
        tableInformation - The table for which to locate primary key information,
        The extracted primary key information
      • getIndexes

        Iterable<IndexInformation> getIndexes​(TableInformation tableInformation)
        Extract information about indexes defined against the given table. Typically called from the TableInformation itself as part of on-demand initialization of its state.
        tableInformation - The table for which to locate indexes
        The extracted index information
      • getForeignKeys

        Iterable<ForeignKeyInformation> getForeignKeys​(TableInformation tableInformation)
        Extract information about foreign keys defined on the given table (targeting or point-at other tables). Typically called from the TableInformation itself as part of on-demand initialization of its state.
        tableInformation - The table for which to locate foreign-keys
        The extracted foreign-key information