Interface RangeAggregationOptionsStep<S extends RangeAggregationOptionsStep<?,PDF,F,A>,PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory,F,A>

Type Parameters:
S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this step).
PDF - The type of factory used to create predicates in AggregationFilterStep.filter(Function).
F - The type of the targeted field.
A - The type of result for this aggregation.
All Superinterfaces:
AggregationFilterStep<S,PDF>, AggregationFinalStep<A>
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface RangeAggregationOptionsStep<S extends RangeAggregationOptionsStep<?,PDF,F,A>,PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory,F,A> extends AggregationFinalStep<A>, AggregationFilterStep<S,PDF>
The final step in a "range" aggregation definition, where optional parameters can be set.