
This package contains everything related to the configuration of the Hibernate Search engine.

Common expected types for property values

Below are some commonly used property types across all Hibernate Search settings (engine, backends, mappers, ...).

Bean reference

A reference to a bean of type T can be passed as either:
  • An instance of T,
  • or a BeanReference to a bean in the dependency injection context (CDI/Spring/etc.),
  • or a Class representing the type of such a bean,
  • or a String representing the name of such a bean,
  • or a BeanReference to a type exposing a public, no-arg constructor, to be instantiated through that constructor outside of any injection context,
  • or a Class representing such type,
  • or a String representing the fully-qualified name of such type.
The value will be interpreted in the above order. For example if CDI is used in the application, and a bean-reference property is set to a Class representing the type of a CDI bean which happens to expose a public, no-arg constructor, then Hibernate Search will retrieve the bean through CDI, not by calling the constructor directly.

Multi-valued bean reference

A multivalued reference to a bean of type T can be passed as either: