Interface MatchIdPredicateMatchingMoreStep<S extends MatchIdPredicateMatchingMoreStep<?,N>,N extends MatchIdPredicateOptionsStep<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this step).
N - The type of the next step.
All Superinterfaces:
MatchIdPredicateMatchingStep<S>, MatchIdPredicateOptionsStep<N>, PredicateFinalStep, PredicateScoreStep<N>

public interface MatchIdPredicateMatchingMoreStep<S extends MatchIdPredicateMatchingMoreStep<?,N>,N extends MatchIdPredicateOptionsStep<?>> extends MatchIdPredicateMatchingStep<S>, MatchIdPredicateOptionsStep<N>
The final step in a "match id" predicate definition, where more IDs to match can be set.