Interface ProjectionRegistry

public interface ProjectionRegistry
  • Method Details

    • composite

      <T> CompositeProjectionDefinition<T> composite(Class<T> objectClass)
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of objects returned by the projection.
      objectClass - The type of objects returned by the projection. The class is expected to be mapped (generally through annotations) in such a way that it defines the inner projections.
      A definition of the projection.
      SearchException - If no projection definition exists for this object class.
    • compositeOptional

      <T> Optional<CompositeProjectionDefinition<T>> compositeOptional(Class<T> objectClass)
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of objects returned by the projection.
      objectClass - The type of objects returned by the projection. The class is expected to be mapped (generally through annotations) in such a way that it defines the inner projections.
      A definition of the projection, or Optional.empty() if no projection definition is available for the given object class.