Interface MassIndexingFailureHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface MassIndexingFailureHandler
A handler for failures occurring during mass indexing.

The handler should be used to report failures to application maintainers. The default failure handler simply delegates to the configured FailureHandler, which by default logs failures at the ERROR level, but it can be replaced with a custom implementations by configuring the mass indexer.

Handlers can be called from multiple threads simultaneously: implementations must be thread-safe.

  • Method Details

    • handle

      void handle(MassIndexingFailureContext context)
      Handle a generic failure.

      This method is expected to report the failure somewhere (logs, ...), then return as quickly as possible. Heavy error processing (sending emails, ...), if any, should be done asynchronously.

      Any error or exception thrown by this method will be caught by Hibernate Search and logged.

      context - Contextual information about the failure (throwable, operation, ...)
    • handle

      default void handle(MassIndexingEntityFailureContext context)
      Handle a failure when indexing an entity.

      This method is expected to report the failure somewhere (logs, ...), then return as quickly as possible. Heavy error processing (sending emails, ...), if any, should be done asynchronously.

      Any error or exception thrown by this method will be caught by Hibernate Search and logged.

      context - Contextual information about the failure (throwable, operation, ...)
    • failureFloodingThreshold

      @Incubating default long failureFloodingThreshold()
      Returns the number of failures during one mass indexing beyond which the failure handler will no longer be notified. This threshold is reached separately for each indexed type.

      May be overridden by mass indexer parameters (see failureFloodingThreshold(long) in the MassIndexer interface).