All Known Subinterfaces:
AlternativeBinder, GeoPointBinder
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TypeBinder
A binder from a POJO type to index fields.

This binder takes advantage of provided metadata to pick, configure and create a TypeBridge.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Binds a type to index fields.
  • Method Details

    • bind

      void bind(TypeBindingContext context)
      Binds a type to index fields.

      The context passed in parameter provides various information about the type being bound. Implementations are expected to take advantage of that information and to call one of the bridge(...) methods on the context to set the bridge.

      Implementations are also expected to declare dependencies, i.e. the properties that will later be used in the TypeBridge.write(DocumentElement, Object, TypeBridgeWriteContext) method, using TypeBindingContext.dependencies(). Failing that, Hibernate Search will not reindex entities properly when an indexed property is modified.

      context - A context object providing information about the type being bound, and expecting a call to one of its bridge(...) methods.