InterfacesClassDescriptionThe step in an index field type definition where DSL converters (applied when using the search DSL) and projection converters (applied when projecting in a search query) can be set.A factory for types of index fields.An extension to the index field type DSL, allowing to create non-standard types in an index schema.The final step in an index field type definition, where the type can be retrieved.The final step in an index field type definition, where optional parameters can be set.The initial and final step in a "scaled number" index field type definition, where optional parameters can be set.SearchableProjectableIndexFieldTypeOptionsStep<S extends SearchableProjectableIndexFieldTypeOptionsStep<?,
F>, F> The initial and final step in a "searchable/projectable" index field type definition, where optional parameters can be set.The initial and final step in a "standard" index field type definition, where optional parameters can be set.The initial and final step in a "string" index field type definition, where optional parameters can be set.The initial and final step in a "vector" index field type definition, where optional parameters can be set.