InterfacesClassDescriptionThe step in a "association inverse side" definition where optional parameters can be set.The step in a mapping definition where a constructor can be mapped.The step in an "indexing dependency" definition where optional parameters can be set.The step in a mapping definition where a method parameter can be mapped.A context to configure programmatic mapping.The step in a property-to-document-ID mapping where optional parameters can be set.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set, when the index field is a full-text field.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set, when the index field is a generic field.The step in a property-to-indexed-embedded mapping where optional parameters can be set.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set, when the index field is a keyword field.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set, when the index field is not a full-text field.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set, when the index field is a "scaled number" field.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set.The step in a mapping definition where a property can be mapped.The step in a property-to-index-field mapping where optional parameters can be set, when the index field is a vector field.The step in a mapping definition where a type's indexing can be configured more precisely.The step in a mapping definition where a type's entity metadata can be configured more precisely.The step in a mapping definition where a type can be mapped, and where properties of that type can be referenced to map them more precisely.