12.3. Hibernate declarative security

Usually, declarative security in Hibernate applications is managed in a session facade layer. Now, Hibernate3 allows certain actions to be permissioned via JACC, and authorized via JAAS. This is optional functionality built on top of the event architecture.

First, you must configure the appropriate event listeners, to enable the use of JAAS authorization.

<listener type="pre-delete" class="org.hibernate.secure.JACCPreDeleteEventListener"/>
<listener type="pre-update" class="org.hibernate.secure.JACCPreUpdateEventListener"/>
<listener type="pre-insert" class="org.hibernate.secure.JACCPreInsertEventListener"/>
<listener type="pre-load" class="org.hibernate.secure.JACCPreLoadEventListener"/>

Note that <listener type="..." class="..."/> is just a shorthand for <event type="..."><listener class="..."/></event> when there is exactly one listener for a particular event type.

Next, still in hibernate.cfg.xml, bind the permissions to roles:

<grant role="admin" entity-name="User" actions="insert,update,read"/>
<grant role="su" entity-name="User" actions="*"/>

The role names are the roles understood by your JACC provider.