Interface PluralAttributeMapKeySource

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToAnySource, PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToManySource
All Known Implementing Classes:
PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToAnySourceImpl, PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToManySourceImpl

public interface PluralAttributeMapKeySource extends PluralAttributeIndexSource
Describes source information about the key of a persistent map.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getMapKeyNature

    • isReferencedEntityAttribute

      @Deprecated(since="6.4") boolean isReferencedEntityAttribute()
      no longer used, so this should be removed
      Is this plural attribute index source for an attribute of the referenced entity (relevant only for one-to-many and many-to-many associations)?

      If this method returns true, then this object can safely be cast to PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToManySource.

      true, if this plural attribute index source for an attribute of the referenced entity; false, otherwise.