Interface IdentityColumnSupport

    • Method Detail

      • supportsIdentityColumns

        boolean supportsIdentityColumns()
        Does this dialect support identity column key generation?
        True if IDENTITY columns are supported; false otherwise.
      • supportsInsertSelectIdentity

        boolean supportsInsertSelectIdentity()
        Does the dialect support some form of inserting and selecting the generated IDENTITY value all in the same statement.
        True if the dialect supports selecting the just generated IDENTITY in the insert statement.
      • hasDataTypeInIdentityColumn

        boolean hasDataTypeInIdentityColumn()
        Whether this dialect have an Identity clause added to the data type or a completely separate identity data type
      • appendIdentitySelectToInsert

        default String appendIdentitySelectToInsert​(String identityColumnName,
                                                    String insertString)
        Provided we supportsInsertSelectIdentity(), then attach the "select identity" clause to the insert statement.

        Note, if supportsInsertSelectIdentity() == false then the insert-string should be returned without modification.

        identityColumnName - The name of the identity column
        insertString - The insert command
        The insert command with any necessary identity select clause attached.
      • getIdentitySelectString

        String getIdentitySelectString​(String table,
                                       String column,
                                       int type)
                                throws MappingException
        Get the select command to use to retrieve the last generated IDENTITY value for a particular table
        table - The table into which the insert was done
        column - The PK column.
        type - The Types type code.
        The appropriate select command
        MappingException - If IDENTITY generation is not supported.
      • getIdentityColumnString

        String getIdentityColumnString​(int type)
                                throws MappingException
        The syntax used during DDL to define a column as being an IDENTITY of a particular type.
        type - The Types type code.
        The appropriate DDL fragment.
        MappingException - If IDENTITY generation is not supported.
      • getIdentityInsertString

        String getIdentityInsertString()
        The keyword used to insert a generated value into an identity column (or null). Need if the dialect does not support inserts that specify no column values.
        The appropriate keyword.
      • hasIdentityInsertKeyword

        default boolean hasIdentityInsertKeyword()
        Is there a keyword used to insert a generated value into an identity column.
        true if the dialect does not support inserts that specify no column values.