Interface DynamicComponentMapperSupport

All Known Subinterfaces:
ExtendedPropertyMapper, PropertyMapper
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCollectionMapper, AbstractOneToOneMapper, AbstractPropertyMapper, AbstractToOneMapper, BasicCollectionMapper, ComponentPropertyMapper, ListCollectionMapper, MapCollectionMapper, MultiDynamicComponentMapper, MultiPropertyMapper, OneToOneNotOwningMapper, OneToOnePrimaryKeyJoinColumnMapper, SinglePropertyMapper, SortedMapCollectionMapper, SortedSetCollectionMapper, SubclassPropertyMapper, ToOneIdMapper

public interface DynamicComponentMapperSupport
Contract for PropertyMapper implementations to expose whether they should be included as a wrapper for a <dynamic-component/> mapping. In this mapping, values are actually stored as a key-value pair in a HashMap rather than them being treated as java-bean values using a setter method.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns whether the property mapper wraps a dynamic-component.
    Mark the property mapper that it wraps a dynamic-component.
  • Method Details

    • markAsDynamicComponentMap

      void markAsDynamicComponentMap()
      Mark the property mapper that it wraps a dynamic-component.
    • isDynamicComponentMap

      boolean isDynamicComponentMap()
      Returns whether the property mapper wraps a dynamic-component.