Interface AttributeAnalysis

@Incubating public interface AttributeAnalysis
Results of analyzing an attribute in terms of handling update operations
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    Dirty-ness status of each attribute: it's useful to differentiate when it's definitely dirty, when it's definitely not dirty, and when we need to treat it like dirty but there is no certainty - for example because we didn't actually load the value from the database.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The attribute analyzed here
    Whether the attribute is considered dirty
    Whether the attribute should be included in optimistic locking (where-clause restriction)
    Whether the attribute should be included in setting the values on the database.
    default boolean
    Whether the attribute be skipped completely.
  • Method Details

    • getAttribute

      AttributeMapping getAttribute()
      The attribute analyzed here
    • includeInSet

      boolean includeInSet()
      Whether the attribute should be included in setting the values on the database.
    • includeInLocking

      boolean includeInLocking()
      Whether the attribute should be included in optimistic locking (where-clause restriction)
    • getDirtynessStatus

      AttributeAnalysis.DirtynessStatus getDirtynessStatus()
      Whether the attribute is considered dirty
    • isSkipped

      default boolean isSkipped()
      Whether the attribute be skipped completely.
      See Also: