Class LoadContexts


public class LoadContexts extends Object
Maintains a Stack of processing state related to performing load operations. The state is defined by JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState which encapsulates the data to be processed by the load whether the data comes from a ResultSet or second-level cache hit.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • register

      public void register(JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState state)
    • deregister

      public void deregister(JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState state)
    • isLoadingFinished

      public boolean isLoadingFinished()
    • findLoadingCollectionEntry

      public LoadingCollectionEntry findLoadingCollectionEntry(CollectionKey collectionKey)
    • getPersistenceContext

      public PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext()
      Retrieves the persistence context to which this is bound.
      The persistence context to which this is bound.
    • cleanup

      public void cleanup()
      Release internal state associated with *all* result sets.

      This is intended as a "failsafe" process to make sure we get everything cleaned up and released.