Package org.hibernate

Interface StatelessSession

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable, QueryProducer, Serializable, SharedSessionContract
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface StatelessSession
    extends SharedSessionContract
    A command-oriented API often used for performing bulk operations against the database. A stateless session has no persistence context, and always works directly with detached entity instances. When a method of this interface is called, any necessary interaction with the database happens immediately and synchronously.

    Viewed in opposition to Session, the StatelessSession is a whole competing programming model, one preferred by some developers for its simplicity and somewhat lower level of abstraction. But the two kinds of session are not enemies, and may comfortably coexist in a single program.

    A stateless session comes some with designed-in limitations:

    • it does not have a first-level cache,
    • nor interact with any second-level cache,
    • nor does it implement transactional write-behind or automatic dirty checking.

    Furthermore, the basic operations of a stateless session do not have corresponding cascade types, and so an operation performed via a stateless session never cascades to associated instances.

    The basic operations of a stateless session are get(Class, Object), insert(Object), update(Object), delete(Object), and upsert(Object). These operations are always performed synchronously, resulting in immediate access to the database. Notice that update is an explicit operation. There is no "flush" operation for a stateless session, and so modifications to entities are never automatically detected and made persistent.

    Similarly, lazy association fetching is an explicit operation. A collection or proxy may be fetched by calling fetch(Object).

    Stateless sessions are vulnerable to data aliasing effects, due to the lack of a first-level cache.

    On the other hand, for certain kinds of transactions, a stateless session may perform slightly faster than a stateful session.

    Certain rules applying to stateful sessions are relaxed in a stateless session:

    • it is not necessary to discard a session and its entities after an exception is thrown by a stateless sessions, and
    • when an exception is thrown by a stateless session, the current transaction is not automatically marked for rollback.
    • Method Detail

      • insert

        Object insert​(Object entity)
        Insert a record.

        If the entity @Id field is declared to be generated, for example, if it is annotated @GeneratedId, the id is generated and assigned to the given instance.

        The PostPersist callback will be triggered if the operation is successful.

        entity - a new transient instance
        The identifier of the inserted entity
      • insert

        Object insert​(String entityName,
                      Object entity)
        Insert a record.

        The PostPersist callback will be triggered if the operation is successful.

        entityName - The entityName for the entity to be inserted
        entity - a new transient instance
        the identifier of the instance
      • update

        void update​(Object entity)
        Update a record.

        The PostUpdate callback will be triggered if the operation is successful.

        entity - a detached entity instance
      • update

        void update​(String entityName,
                    Object entity)
        Update a record.

        The PostUpdate callback will be triggered if the operation is successful.

        entityName - The entityName for the entity to be updated
        entity - a detached entity instance
      • delete

        void delete​(Object entity)
        Delete a record.

        The PostRemove callback will be triggered if the operation is successful.

        entity - a detached entity instance
      • delete

        void delete​(String entityName,
                    Object entity)
        Delete a record.

        The PostRemove callback will be triggered if the operation is successful.

        entityName - The entityName for the entity to be deleted
        entity - a detached entity instance
      • upsert

        void upsert​(Object entity)
        Use a SQL merge into statement to perform an upsert, that is, to insert the record if it does not exist, or update it if it already exists.

        This method never performs id generation, and does not accept an entity instance with a null identifier. When id generation is required, use insert(Object).

        On the other hand, upsert() does accept an entity instance with an assigned identifier value, even if the entity @Id field is declared to be generated, for example, if it is annotated @GeneratedId. Thus, this method may be used to import data from an external source.

        entity - a detached entity instance, or a new instance with an assigned identifier
        TransientObjectException - is the entity has a null id
      • upsert

        void upsert​(String entityName,
                    Object entity)
        Use a SQL merge into statement to perform an upsert.
        entityName - The entityName for the entity to be merged
        entity - a detached entity instance
        TransientObjectException - is the entity has a null id
      • get

        Object get​(String entityName,
                   Object id)
        Retrieve a record.
        entityName - The name of the entity to retrieve
        id - The id of the entity to retrieve
        a detached entity instance
      • get

        <T> T get​(Class<T> entityClass,
                  Object id)
        Retrieve a record.
        entityClass - The class of the entity to retrieve
        id - The id of the entity to retrieve
        a detached entity instance
      • get

        Object get​(String entityName,
                   Object id,
                   LockMode lockMode)
        Retrieve a record, obtaining the specified lock mode.
        entityName - The name of the entity to retrieve
        id - The id of the entity to retrieve
        lockMode - The lock mode to apply to the entity
        a detached entity instance
      • get

        <T> T get​(Class<T> entityClass,
                  Object id,
                  LockMode lockMode)
        Retrieve a record, obtaining the specified lock mode.
        entityClass - The class of the entity to retrieve
        id - The id of the entity to retrieve
        lockMode - The lock mode to apply to the entity
        a detached entity instance
      • get

        <T> T get​(EntityGraph<T> graph,
                  GraphSemantic graphSemantic,
                  Object id)
        Retrieve a record, fetching associations specified by the given EntityGraph.
        graph - The EntityGraph
        graphSemantic - a GraphSemantic specifying how the graph should be interpreted
        id - The id of the entity to retrieve
        a detached entity instance
      • get

        <T> T get​(EntityGraph<T> graph,
                  GraphSemantic graphSemantic,
                  Object id,
                  LockMode lockMode)
        Retrieve a record, fetching associations specified by the given EntityGraph, and obtaining the specified lock mode.
        graph - The EntityGraph
        graphSemantic - a GraphSemantic specifying how the graph should be interpreted
        id - The id of the entity to retrieve
        lockMode - The lock mode to apply to the entity
        a detached entity instance
      • refresh

        void refresh​(Object entity)
        Refresh the entity instance state from the database.
        entity - The entity to be refreshed.
      • refresh

        void refresh​(String entityName,
                     Object entity)
        Refresh the entity instance state from the database.
        entityName - The entityName for the entity to be refreshed.
        entity - The entity to be refreshed.
      • refresh

        void refresh​(Object entity,
                     LockMode lockMode)
        Refresh the entity instance state from the database.
        entity - The entity to be refreshed.
        lockMode - The LockMode to be applied.
      • refresh

        void refresh​(String entityName,
                     Object entity,
                     LockMode lockMode)
        Refresh the entity instance state from the database.
        entityName - The entityName for the entity to be refreshed.
        entity - The entity to be refreshed.
        lockMode - The LockMode to be applied.
      • fetch

        void fetch​(Object association)
        Fetch an association or collection that's configured for lazy loading.
         Book book = session.get(Book.class, isbn);  // book is immediately detached
         session.fetch(book.getAuthors());           // fetch the associated authors
         book.getAuthors().forEach(author -> ... );  // iterate the collection

        Warning: this operation in a stateless session is quite sensitive to data aliasing effects and should be used with great care. It's usually better to fetch associations using eager join fetching.

        association - a lazy-loaded association
        See Also:
      • getIdentifier

        Object getIdentifier​(Object entity)
        Return the identifier value of the given entity, which may be detached.
        entity - a persistent instance associated with this session
        the identifier