Class HCANNHelper

  • @Internal
    public final class HCANNHelper
    extends Object
    Manage the various fun-ness of dealing with HCANN...
    • Constructor Detail

      • HCANNHelper

        public HCANNHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement element,
                                            Class<? extends Annotation> annotationToCheck)
      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement element,
                                            Class<? extends Annotation> annotationToCheck,
                                            Class<? extends Annotation> annotationToCheck2)
      • hasAnnotation

        public static boolean hasAnnotation​(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement element,
                                            Class<? extends Annotation>... annotationsToCheck)
      • annotatedElementSignature

        public static String annotatedElementSignature​( member)
      • getUnderlyingMember

        public static Member getUnderlyingMember​( member)
      • findAnnotation

        public static <T extends Annotation> T findAnnotation​(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement annotatedElement,
                                                              Class<T> annotationType)
        Return an annotation of the given type which annotates the given annotated program element, or which meta-annotates an annotation of the given annotated program element.
        Implementation Note:
        Searches only one level deep
      • findContainingAnnotations

        public static List<Annotation> findContainingAnnotations​(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement annotatedElement,
                                                                 Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
        Return an annotation of the given annotated program element which is annotated by the given type of meta-annotation.
        Implementation Note:
        Searches only one level deep