AbstractArrayContainsFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_contains function.
AbstractArrayFillFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_contains function.
AbstractArrayIncludesFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_includes function.
AbstractArrayIntersectsFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_intersects function.
AbstractArrayPositionFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_position functions.
AbstractArrayPositionsFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_positions functions.
AbstractArrayRemoveFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_remove functions.
AbstractArrayTrimFunction |
Encapsulates the validator, return type and argument type resolvers for the array_remove functions.
ArrayAggFunction |
ArrayAndElementArgumentTypeResolver |
A FunctionArgumentTypeResolver that resolves the array argument type based on the element argument type
or the element argument type based on the array argument type.
ArrayAndElementArgumentValidator |
ArrayArgumentValidator |
ArrayConcatElementFunction |
Concatenation function for array and an element.
ArrayConcatFunction |
Concatenation function for arrays.
ArrayConstructorFunction |
ArrayContainsArgumentTypeResolver |
ArrayContainsArgumentValidator |
ArrayContainsOperatorFunction |
Special array contains function that also applies a cast to the element argument.
ArrayContainsUnnestFunction |
Implement the array contains function by using unnest .
ArrayGetUnnestFunction |
Implement the array get function by using unnest .
ArrayHelper |
ArrayIncludesArgumentTypeResolver |
ArrayIncludesArgumentValidator |
ArrayIncludesOperatorFunction |
Special array includes implementation that uses the PostgreSQL @> operator.
ArrayIncludesUnnestFunction |
Implement the array includes function by using unnest .
ArrayIntersectsOperatorFunction |
Array intersects function that uses the PostgreSQL && operator.
ArrayIntersectsUnnestFunction |
Implement the intersects function by using unnest .
ArrayRemoveIndexUnnestFunction |
Implement the array remove index function by using unnest .
ArrayReplaceUnnestFunction |
Implement the array replace function by using unnest .
ArraySetUnnestFunction |
Implement the array set function by using unnest .
ArraySliceUnnestFunction |
Implement the array slice function by using unnest .
ArraysOfSameTypeArgumentValidator |
ArrayToStringFunction |
ArrayViaArgumentReturnTypeResolver |
ArrayViaElementArgumentReturnTypeResolver |
CockroachArrayFillFunction |
Implement the array fill function by using generate_series .
DdlTypeHelper |
ElementViaArrayArgumentReturnTypeResolver |
H2ArrayContainsFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayFillFunction |
Implement the array fill function by using system_range .
H2ArrayIncludesFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayIntersectsFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayPositionFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayPositionsFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayRemoveFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayRemoveIndexFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayReplaceFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArraySetFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
H2ArrayToStringFunction |
H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless,
due to https://github.com/h2database/h2database/issues/1815.
HSQLArrayConstructorFunction |
HSQLArrayFillFunction |
Implement the array fill function by using sequence_array .
HSQLArrayPositionFunction |
HSQLDB has a special syntax.
HSQLArrayPositionsFunction |
HSQLDB has a special syntax.
HSQLArrayRemoveFunction |
HSQLDB array_remove function.
HSQLArraySetFunction |
HSQLDB array_set function.
HSQLArrayToStringFunction |
HSQLDB has a special syntax.
JsonArrayViaElementArgumentReturnTypeResolver |
A FunctionReturnTypeResolver that resolves a JSON encoded array type based on the arguments,
which are supposed to be of the element type.
OracleArrayAggEmulation |
OracleArrayConcatElementFunction |
Oracle concatenation function for array and an element.
OracleArrayConcatFunction |
Oracle concatenation function for arrays.
OracleArrayConstructorFunction |
OracleArrayContainsFunction |
OracleArrayFillFunction |
Oracle array_fill function.
OracleArrayGetFunction |
Oracle array_get function.
OracleArrayIncludesFunction |
OracleArrayIntersectsFunction |
OracleArrayLengthFunction |
OracleArrayPositionFunction |
OracleArrayPositionsFunction |
OracleArrayRemoveFunction |
Oracle array_remove function.
OracleArrayRemoveIndexFunction |
Oracle array_remove_index function.
OracleArrayReplaceFunction |
Oracle array_replace function.
OracleArraySetFunction |
Oracle array_set function.
OracleArraySliceFunction |
Oracle array_slice function.
OracleArrayToStringFunction |
Oracle array_to_string function.
OracleArrayTrimFunction |
Oracle array_trim function.
PostgreSQLArrayConcatElementFunction |
PostgreSQL variant of the function to properly return null when the array argument is null.
PostgreSQLArrayConcatFunction |
PostgreSQL variant of the function to properly return null when one of the arguments is null.
PostgreSQLArrayConstructorFunction |
Special array constructor function that also applies a cast to the array literal,
based on the inferred result type.
PostgreSQLArrayFillFunction |
Custom casting for the array fill function.
PostgreSQLArrayPositionFunction |
PostgreSQL variant of the function.
PostgreSQLArrayPositionsFunction |
PostgreSQL variant of the function.
PostgreSQLArrayTrimEmulation |
PostgreSQL array_trim emulation, since the function was only introduced in version 14.