Class NullnessHelper

  • public class NullnessHelper
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • nullif

        public static <T> T nullif​(T test,
                                   T fallback)
      • nullif

        public static <T> T nullif​(T test,
                                   Supplier<T> fallbackSupplier)
      • coalesce

        public static <T> T coalesce​(T... values)
        Operates like SQL coalesce expression, returning the first non-empty value
        Type Parameters:
        T - Generic type of values to coalesce
        values - The list of values.
        The first non-empty value, or null if all values were empty
        Implementation Note:
        This impl treats empty strings (`""`) as null.
      • coalesceSuppliedValues

        public static <T> T coalesceSuppliedValues​(Supplier<T>... valueSuppliers)
        Operates like SQL coalesce expression, returning the first non-empty value
        Type Parameters:
        T - Generic type of values to coalesce
        valueSuppliers - List of value Suppliers
        The first non-empty value, or null if all values were empty
        Implementation Note:
        This impl treats empty strings (`""`) as null.
      • coalesceSuppliedValues

        public static <T> T coalesceSuppliedValues​(Function<T,​Boolean> checker,
                                                   Supplier<T>... valueSuppliers)
        Operates like SQL coalesce expression, returning the first non-empty value
        Type Parameters:
        T - Generic type of values to coalesce
        valueSuppliers - List of value Suppliers
        The first non-empty value, or null if all values were empty
        Implementation Note:
        This impl treats empty strings (`""`) as null.
      • areSameNullness

        public static boolean areSameNullness​(Object... values)
        Ensures that either:
        • all values are null
        • all values are non-null
      • areAllNonNull

        public static boolean areAllNonNull​(Object... objects)