Class StringHelper

  • public final class StringHelper
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • lastIndexOfLetter

        public static int lastIndexOfLetter​(String string)
      • joinWithQualifierAndSuffix

        public static String joinWithQualifierAndSuffix​(String[] values,
                                                        String qualifier,
                                                        String suffix,
                                                        String deliminator)
      • repeat

        public static String repeat​(String string,
                                    int times)
      • repeat

        public static String repeat​(String string,
                                    int times,
                                    String deliminator)
      • repeat

        public static String repeat​(char character,
                                    int times)
      • replace

        public static String replace​(String template,
                                     String placeholder,
                                     String replacement,
                                     boolean wholeWords)
      • replace

        public static String replace​(String template,
                                     String placeholder,
                                     String replacement,
                                     boolean wholeWords,
                                     boolean encloseInParensIfNecessary)
      • replace

        public static String replace​(String beforePlaceholder,
                                     String afterPlaceholder,
                                     String placeholder,
                                     String replacement,
                                     boolean wholeWords,
                                     boolean encloseInParensIfNecessary)
      • indexOfIdentifierWord

        public static int indexOfIdentifierWord​(String str,
                                                String word)
        Used to find the ordinal parameters (e.g. '?1') in a string.
      • getLastNonWhitespaceCharacter

        public static char getLastNonWhitespaceCharacter​(String str)
      • getFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter

        public static char getFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter​(String str)
      • split

        public static String[] split​(String separators,
                                     String list,
                                     boolean include)
      • splitTrimmingTokens

        public static String[] splitTrimmingTokens​(String separators,
                                                   String list,
                                                   boolean include)
      • unqualify

        public static String unqualify​(String qualifiedName)
      • qualifier

        public static String qualifier​(String qualifiedName)
      • collapse

        public static String collapse​(String name)
        Collapses a name. Mainly intended for use with classnames, where an example might serve best to explain. Imagine you have a class named 'org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper'; calling collapse on that classname will result in 'o.h.u.StringHelper'.
        name - The name to collapse.
        The collapsed name.
      • collapseQualifier

        public static String collapseQualifier​(String qualifier,
                                               boolean includeDots)
        Given a qualifier, collapse it.
        qualifier - The qualifier to collapse.
        includeDots - Should we include the dots in the collapsed form?
        The collapsed form.
      • partiallyUnqualify

        public static String partiallyUnqualify​(String name,
                                                String qualifierBase)
        Partially unqualifies a qualified name. For example, with a base of 'org.hibernate' the name 'org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper' would become 'util.StringHelper'.
        name - The (potentially) qualified name.
        qualifierBase - The qualifier base.
        The name itself, or the partially unqualified form if it begins with the qualifier base.
      • collapseQualifierBase

        public static String collapseQualifierBase​(String name,
                                                   String qualifierBase)
        Cross between collapse(java.lang.String) and partiallyUnqualify(java.lang.String, java.lang.String). Functions much like collapse(java.lang.String) except that only the qualifierBase is collapsed. For example, with a base of 'org.hibernate' the name 'org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper' would become 'o.h.util.StringHelper'.
        name - The (potentially) qualified name.
        qualifierBase - The qualifier base.
        The name itself if it does not begin with the qualifierBase, or the properly collapsed form otherwise.
      • root

        public static String root​(String qualifiedName)
      • unroot

        public static String unroot​(String qualifiedName)
      • toString

        public static String toString​(Object[] array)
      • count

        public static int count​(String text,
                                String match)
      • count

        public static int count​(String text,
                                char match)
      • countUnquoted

        public static int countUnquoted​(String string,
                                        char character)
      • isNotEmpty

        public static boolean isNotEmpty​(@Nullable String string)
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(@Nullable String string)
      • isBlank

        public static boolean isBlank​(@Nullable String string)
      • qualifyConditionally

        public static String qualifyConditionally​(String prefix,
                                                  String name)
      • firstIndexOfChar

        public static int firstIndexOfChar​(String sqlString,
                                           BitSet keys,
                                           int startindex)
      • firstIndexOfChar

        public static int firstIndexOfChar​(String sqlString,
                                           String string,
                                           int startindex)
      • truncate

        public static String truncate​(String string,
                                      int length)
      • generateAlias

        public static String generateAlias​(String description)
      • generateAlias

        public static String generateAlias​(String description,
                                           int unique)
        Generate a nice alias for the given class name or collection role name and unique integer. Subclasses of Loader do not have to use aliases of this form.
        description - The base name (usually an entity-name or collection-role)
        unique - A uniquing value
        an alias of the form foo1_
      • unqualifyEntityName

        public static String unqualifyEntityName​(String entityName)
      • moveAndToBeginning

        public static String moveAndToBeginning​(String filter)
      • isQuoted

        public static boolean isQuoted​(String name)
        Determine if the given string is quoted (wrapped by '`' characters at beginning and end).
        name - The name to check.
        True if the given string starts and ends with '`'; false otherwise.
      • unquote

        public static String unquote​(String name)
        Return the unquoted version of name (stripping the start and end '`' characters if present).
        name - The name to be unquoted.
        The unquoted version.
      • isQuoted

        public static boolean isQuoted​(String name,
                                       Dialect dialect)
        Determine if the given name is quoted. It is considered quoted if either:
        1. starts AND ends with backticks (`)
        2. starts with dialect-specified open-quote AND ends with dialect-specified close-quote
        name - The name to check
        dialect - The dialect (to determine the "real" quoting chars).
        True if quoted, false otherwise
      • unquote

        public static String unquote​(String name,
                                     Dialect dialect)
        Return the unquoted version of name stripping the start and end quote characters.
        name - The name to be unquoted.
        dialect - The dialect (to determine the "real" quoting chars).
        The unquoted version.
      • unquote

        public static String[] unquote​(String[] names,
                                       Dialect dialect)
        Return the unquoted version of name stripping the start and end quote characters.
        names - The names to be unquoted.
        dialect - The dialect (to determine the "real" quoting chars).
        The unquoted versions.
      • nullIfEmpty

        public static String nullIfEmpty​(@Nullable String value)
      • subStringNullIfEmpty

        public static String subStringNullIfEmpty​(String value,
                                                  Character startChar)
      • parseCommaSeparatedString

        public static List<String> parseCommaSeparatedString​(String incomingString)
      • coalesce

        public static String coalesce​(@NonNull String fallbackValue,
                                      @NonNull String... values)
      • coalesce

        public static String coalesce​(@NonNull String fallbackValue,
                                      String value)
      • getNonEmptyOrConjunctionIfBothNonEmpty

        public static String getNonEmptyOrConjunctionIfBothNonEmpty​(String firstExpression,
                                                                    String secondExpression)
        firstExpression - the first expression
        secondExpression - the second expression
        if firstExpression and secondExpression are both non-empty, then "( " + firstExpression + " ) and ( " + secondExpression + " )" is returned; if firstExpression is non-empty and secondExpression is empty, then firstExpression is returned; if firstExpression is empty and secondExpression is non-empty, then secondExpression is returned; if both firstExpression and secondExpression are empty, then null is returned.
      • safeInterning

        public static String safeInterning​(String string)
        Return the interned form of a String, or null if the parameter is null.

        Use with caution: excessive interning is known to cause issues. Best to use only with strings which are known to be long-lived constants, and for which the chances of being actual duplicates is proven. (Even better: avoid needing interning by design changes such as reusing the known reference)

        string - The string to intern.
        The interned string.