Interface EntityValuedFetchable

All Superinterfaces:
Bindable, EntityValuedModelPart, Fetchable, FetchableContainer, JdbcMappingContainer, MappingModelExpressible, ModelPart, ModelPartContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityCollectionPart, ManyToManyCollectionPart, OneToManyCollectionPart, ToOneAttributeMapping

public interface EntityValuedFetchable extends Fetchable, EntityValuedModelPart
Fetchable which is entity-valued
  • Method Details

    • generateFetch

      EntityFetch generateFetch(FetchParent fetchParent, NavigablePath fetchablePath, FetchTiming fetchTiming, boolean selected, String resultVariable, DomainResultCreationState creationState)
      Description copied from interface: Fetchable
      Generates a Fetch of this fetchable
      Specified by:
      generateFetch in interface Fetchable
      fetchParent - The parent of the Fetch we are generating
      fetchablePath - The overall path within the graph
      fetchTiming - The requested fetch timing
    • isOptional

      boolean isOptional()
    • isUnwrapProxy

      boolean isUnwrapProxy()