Class ReflectionUtil

  • public class ReflectionUtil
    extends Object
    Basic reflection utilities to enhance what the JDK provides.
    Manik Surtani (
    • Field Detail


        public static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReflectionUtil

        public ReflectionUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllMethods

        public static List<Method> getAllMethods​(Class<?> c,
                                                 Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
        Returns a set of Methods that contain the given method annotation. This includes all public, protected, package and private methods, as well as those of superclasses. Note that this does *not* include overridden methods.
        c - class to inspect
        annotationType - the type of annotation to look for
        List of Method objects that require injection.
      • getAllMethodsShallow

        public static List<Method> getAllMethodsShallow​(Class<?> c,
                                                        Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
        Returns a set of Methods that contain the given method annotation. This includes all public, protected, package and private methods, but not those of superclasses and interfaces.
        c - class to inspect
        annotationType - the type of annotation to look for
        List of Method objects that require injection.
      • findMethod

        public static Method findMethod​(Class<?> type,
                                        String methodName)
      • findMethod

        public static Method findMethod​(Class<?> type,
                                        String methodName,
                                        Class<?>... parameters)
      • invokeAccessibly

        public static Object invokeAccessibly​(Object instance,
                                              Method method,
                                              Object... parameters)
        Invokes a method using reflection, in an accessible manner (by using AccessibleObject.setAccessible(boolean)
        instance - instance on which to execute the method
        method - method to execute
        parameters - parameters
      • setAccessibly

        public static void setAccessibly​(Object instance,
                                         Field field,
                                         Object value)
      • setField

        public static void setField​(Object instance,
                                    Field field,
                                    Object value)
      • findGetterForField

        public static Method findGetterForField​(Class<?> c,
                                                String fieldName)
      • findSetterForField

        public static Method findSetterForField​(Class<?> c,
                                                String fieldName)
      • extractFieldName

        public static String extractFieldName​(String setterOrGetter)
      • getValue

        public static Object getValue​(Object instance,
                                      String fieldName)
        Retrieves the value of a field of an object instance via reflection
        instance - to inspect
        fieldName - name of field to retrieve
        a value
      • getAnnotation

        public static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation​(Class<?> clazz,
                                                             Class<T> ann)
        Inspects the class passed in for the class level annotation specified. If the annotation is not available, this method recursively inspects superclasses and interfaces until it finds the required annotation.

        Returns null if the annotation cannot be found.

        clazz - class to inspect
        ann - annotation to search for. Must be a class-level annotation.
        the annotation instance, or null
      • isAnnotationPresent

        public static boolean isAnnotationPresent​(Class<?> clazz,
                                                  Class<? extends Annotation> annotation)
        Tests whether an annotation is present on a class. The order tested is:
        • The class itself
        • All implemented interfaces
        • Any superclasses
        clazz - class to test
        annotation - annotation to look for
        true if the annotation is found, false otherwise
      • toStringArray

        public static String[] toStringArray​(Class<?>[] classes)
      • getField

        public static Field getField​(String fieldName,
                                     Class<?> objectClass)
      • unwrap

        public static <T> T unwrap​(Object obj,
                                   Class<T> clazz)
      • unwrapAny

        public static <T> T unwrapAny​(Class<T> clazz,
                                      Object... objs)
      • getIntAccessibly

        public static int getIntAccessibly​(Field f,
                                           Object instance)