Class EntryFactoryImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EntryFactoryImpl extends Object implements EntryFactory
EntryFactory implementation to be used for optimistic locking scheme.
Mircea Markus
  • Constructor Details

    • EntryFactoryImpl

      public EntryFactoryImpl()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init()
    • wrapEntryForReading

      public final CompletionStage<Void> wrapEntryForReading(InvocationContext ctx, Object key, int segment, boolean isOwner, boolean hasLock, CompletionStage<Void> previousStage)
      Description copied from interface: EntryFactory
      Wraps an entry for reading. Usually this is just a raw CacheEntry but certain combinations of isolation levels and the presence of an ongoing JTA transaction may force this to be a proper, wrapped MVCCEntry. The entry is also typically placed in the invocation context.
      Specified by:
      wrapEntryForReading in interface EntryFactory
      ctx - current invocation context
      key - key to look up and wrap
      segment - segment for the key
      isOwner - true if this node is current owner in readCH (or we ignore CH)
      hasLock - true if the invoker already has the lock for this key
      previousStage - if wrapping can't be performed synchronously, only access the invocation context from another thread after this stage is complete
      stage that when complete the value should be in the context
    • wrapEntryForWriting

      public CompletionStage<Void> wrapEntryForWriting(InvocationContext ctx, Object key, int segment, boolean isOwner, boolean isRead, CompletionStage<Void> previousStage)
      Description copied from interface: EntryFactory
      Insert an entry that exists in the data container into the context. Doesn't do anything if the key was already wrapped.

      The returned stage will always be complete if isOwner is false.

      Specified by:
      wrapEntryForWriting in interface EntryFactory
      ctx - current invocation context
      key - key to look up and wrap
      segment - segment for the key
      isOwner - true if this node is current owner in readCH (or we ignore CH)
      isRead - true if this operation is expected to read the value of the entry
      previousStage - if wrapping can't be performed synchronously, only access the invocation context from another thread after this stage is complete
    • wrapEntryForWritingSkipExpiration

      public void wrapEntryForWritingSkipExpiration(InvocationContext ctx, Object key, int segment, boolean isOwner)
      Description copied from interface: EntryFactory
      Insert an entry that exists in the data container into the context, even if it is expired Doesn't do anything if the key was already wrapped
      Specified by:
      wrapEntryForWritingSkipExpiration in interface EntryFactory
      ctx - current invocation context
      key - key to look up and wrap
      segment - segment for the key
      isOwner - is the local node a read owner?
    • wrapExternalEntry

      public void wrapExternalEntry(InvocationContext ctx, Object key, CacheEntry externalEntry, boolean isRead, boolean isWrite)
      Description copied from interface: EntryFactory
      Insert an external entry (e.g. loaded from a cache loader or from a remote node) into the context.
      Specified by:
      wrapExternalEntry in interface EntryFactory
      ctx - current invocation context
      key - key to look up and wrap
      externalEntry - the value to be inserted into context
      isRead - true if this operation is expected to read the value of the entry
      isWrite - if this is executed within a write command
    • createWrappedEntry

      protected MVCCEntry<?,?> createWrappedEntry(Object key, CacheEntry<?,?> cacheEntry)