Interface SegmentAwareOperation

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SegmentAwareOperation
Terminal stream operation that is aware of segments being lost. This interface describes a single callback method to be invoked on the operation when a segment is lost and it is concurrently running some operation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    lostSegment(boolean allSegmentsLost)
    This method will be invoked when the operation is known to be performing on a given set of segments and this node no longer owns 1 or many of them.
  • Method Details

    • lostSegment

      boolean lostSegment(boolean allSegmentsLost)
      This method will be invoked when the operation is known to be performing on a given set of segments and this node no longer owns 1 or many of them. Returns whether the lost segment affected the results or not. If stopIfLost is true then doneWithOperation will not be invoked as it would normally.
      allSegmentsLost - argument to tell the operation that if this segment affects that it should not perform any more operations if possible as all segments have been lost.
      whether or not this operation was affected by the loss of segments