Class RpcManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
JmxStatisticsExposer, org.infinispan.metrics.impl.CustomMetricsSupplier, RpcManager

@MBean(objectName="RpcManager", description="Manages all remote calls to remote cache instances in the cluster.") public class RpcManagerImpl extends Object implements RpcManager, JmxStatisticsExposer, org.infinispan.metrics.impl.CustomMetricsSupplier
This component really is just a wrapper around a Transport implementation, and is used to set up the transport and provide lifecycle and dependency hooks into external transport implementations.
Manik Surtani, Galder ZamarreƱo,, Pedro Ruivo
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RpcManagerImpl

      public RpcManagerImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getCustomMetrics

      public Collection<MetricInfo> getCustomMetrics(GlobalMetricsConfiguration configuration)
    • getCommittedViewAsString

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Retrieves the committed view.", displayName="Committed view", dataType=TRAIT) public String getCommittedViewAsString()
    • getPendingViewAsString

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Retrieves the pending view.", displayName="Pending view", dataType=TRAIT) public String getPendingViewAsString()
    • invokeCommand

      public <T> CompletionStage<T> invokeCommand(Address target, ReplicableCommand command, ResponseCollector<T> collector, RpcOptions rpcOptions)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Invoke a command on a single node and pass the response to a ResponseCollector. If the target is the local node, the command is never executed and ResponseCollector.finish() is called directly.
      Specified by:
      invokeCommand in interface RpcManager
    • invokeCommand

      public <T> CompletionStage<T> invokeCommand(Collection<Address> targets, ReplicableCommand command, ResponseCollector<T> collector, RpcOptions rpcOptions)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Invoke a command on a collection of node and pass the responses to a ResponseCollector. If one of the targets is the local node, it is ignored. The command is only executed on the remote nodes.
      Specified by:
      invokeCommand in interface RpcManager
    • invokeCommandOnAll

      public <T> CompletionStage<T> invokeCommandOnAll(ReplicableCommand command, ResponseCollector<T> collector, RpcOptions rpcOptions)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Invoke a command on all the nodes in the cluster and pass the responses to a ResponseCollector. The command is not executed locally and it is not sent across RELAY2 bridges to remote sites.
      Specified by:
      invokeCommandOnAll in interface RpcManager
    • invokeCommandStaggered

      public <T> CompletionStage<T> invokeCommandStaggered(Collection<Address> targets, ReplicableCommand command, ResponseCollector<T> collector, RpcOptions rpcOptions)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Invoke a command on a collection of nodes and pass the responses to a ResponseCollector. The command is only sent immediately to the first target, and there is an implementation-dependent delay before sending the command to each target. There is no delay if the target responds or leaves the cluster. The remaining targets are skipped if ResponseCollector.addResponse(Address, Response) returns a non-null value. The command is only executed on the remote nodes.
      Specified by:
      invokeCommandStaggered in interface RpcManager
    • invokeCommands

      public <T> CompletionStage<T> invokeCommands(Collection<Address> targets, Function<Address,ReplicableCommand> commandGenerator, ResponseCollector<T> collector, RpcOptions rpcOptions)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Invoke different commands on a collection of nodes and pass the responses to a ResponseCollector. The command is only executed on the remote nodes and it is not executed in the local node even if it is in the targets.
      Specified by:
      invokeCommands in interface RpcManager
    • blocking

      public <T> T blocking(CompletionStage<T> request)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Block on a request and return its result.
      Specified by:
      blocking in interface RpcManager
    • invokeRemotelyAsync

      public CompletableFuture<Map<Address,Response>> invokeRemotelyAsync(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, RpcOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Invokes a command on remote nodes.
      Specified by:
      invokeRemotelyAsync in interface RpcManager
      recipients - A list of nodes, or null to invoke the command on all the members of the cluster
      rpc - The command to invoke
      options - The invocation options
      A future that, when completed, returns the responses from the remote nodes.
    • sendTo

      public void sendTo(Address destination, ReplicableCommand command, org.infinispan.remoting.inboundhandler.DeliverOrder deliverOrder)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Asynchronously sends the ReplicableCommand to the destination using the specified DeliverOrder.
      Specified by:
      sendTo in interface RpcManager
      destination - the destination's Address.
      command - the ReplicableCommand to send.
      deliverOrder - the DeliverOrder to use.
    • sendToMany

      public void sendToMany(Collection<Address> destinations, ReplicableCommand command, org.infinispan.remoting.inboundhandler.DeliverOrder deliverOrder)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Asynchronously sends the ReplicableCommand to the set of destination using the specified DeliverOrder.
      Specified by:
      sendToMany in interface RpcManager
      destinations - the collection of destination's Address. If null, it sends to all the members in the cluster.
      command - the ReplicableCommand to send.
      deliverOrder - the DeliverOrder to use.
    • sendToAll

      public void sendToAll(ReplicableCommand command, org.infinispan.remoting.inboundhandler.DeliverOrder deliverOrder)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Asynchronously sends the ReplicableCommand to the entire cluster.
      Specified by:
      sendToAll in interface RpcManager
    • invokeXSite

      public <O> XSiteResponse<O> invokeXSite(org.infinispan.xsite.XSiteBackup backup, XSiteCacheRequest<O> command)
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Sends the XSiteCacheRequest to a remote site.

      If XSiteBackup.isSync() returns false, the XSiteResponse is only completed when the an ACK from the remote site is received. The invoker needs to make sure not to wait for the XSiteResponse.

      Specified by:
      invokeXSite in interface RpcManager
      backup - The site to where the command is sent.
      command - The command to send.
      A XSiteResponse that is completed when the request is completed.
    • getTransport

      public Transport getTransport()
      Specified by:
      getTransport in interface RpcManager
      a reference to the underlying transport.
    • resetStatistics

      @ManagedOperation(description="Resets statistics gathered by this component", displayName="Reset statistics") public void resetStatistics()
      Description copied from interface: JmxStatisticsExposer
      Resets an interceptor's cache statistics
      Specified by:
      resetStatistics in interface JmxStatisticsExposer
    • getReplicationCount

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of successful replications", displayName="Number of successful replications", measurementType=TRENDSUP) public long getReplicationCount()
    • getReplicationFailures

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of failed replications", displayName="Number of failed replications", measurementType=TRENDSUP) public long getReplicationFailures()
    • isStatisticsEnabled

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component", displayName="Statistics enabled", dataType=TRAIT, writable=true) public boolean isStatisticsEnabled()
    • getStatisticsEnabled

      public boolean getStatisticsEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: JmxStatisticsExposer
      Returns whether an interceptor's statistics are being captured.
      Specified by:
      getStatisticsEnabled in interface JmxStatisticsExposer
      true if statistics are captured
    • setStatisticsEnabled

      public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean statisticsEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: JmxStatisticsExposer
      Enables an interceptor's cache statistics If true, the interceptor will capture statistics and make them available through the mbean.
      Specified by:
      setStatisticsEnabled in interface JmxStatisticsExposer
      statisticsEnabled - true if statistics should be captured
    • getSuccessRatio

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Successful replications as a ratio of total replications", displayName="Successful replications ratio") public String getSuccessRatio()
    • getSuccessRatioFloatingPoint

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Successful replications as a ratio of total replications in numeric double format", displayName="Successful replication ratio", units=PERCENTAGE) public double getSuccessRatioFloatingPoint()
    • getAverageReplicationTime

      @ManagedAttribute(description="The average time spent in the transport layer, in milliseconds", displayName="Average time spent in the transport layer", units=MILLISECONDS) public long getAverageReplicationTime()
    • getSitesView

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Retrieves the x-site view.", displayName="Cross site (x-site) view", dataType=TRAIT) public String getSitesView()
    • getAverageXSiteReplicationTime

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns the average replication time, in milliseconds, for a cross-site replication request", displayName="Average Cross-Site replication time", units=MILLISECONDS) public long getAverageXSiteReplicationTime()
    • getAverageXSiteReplicationTimeTo

      @ManagedOperation(description="Returns the average replication time, in milliseconds, for cross-site request sent to the remote site.", displayName="Average Cross-Site replication time to Site", name="AverageXSiteReplicationTimeTo") public long getAverageXSiteReplicationTimeTo(@Parameter(name="dstSite",description="Destination site name") String dstSite)
    • getMinimumXSiteReplicationTime

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns the minimum replication time, in milliseconds, for a cross-site replication request", displayName="Minimum Cross-Site replication time", units=MILLISECONDS, measurementType=TRENDSDOWN) public long getMinimumXSiteReplicationTime()
    • getMinimumXSiteReplicationTimeTo

      @ManagedOperation(description="Returns the minimum replication time, in milliseconds, for cross-site request sent to the remote site.", displayName="Minimum Cross-Site replication time to Site", name="MinimumXSiteReplicationTimeTo") public long getMinimumXSiteReplicationTimeTo(@Parameter(name="dstSite",description="Destination site name") String dstSite)
    • getMaximumXSiteReplicationTime

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns the maximum replication time, in milliseconds, for a cross-site replication request", displayName="Maximum Cross-Site replication time", units=MILLISECONDS, measurementType=TRENDSUP) public long getMaximumXSiteReplicationTime()
    • getMaximumXSiteReplicationTimeTo

      @ManagedOperation(description="Returns the maximum replication time, in milliseconds, for cross-site request sent to the remote site.", displayName="Maximum Cross-Site replication time to Site", name="MaximumXSiteReplicationTimeTo") public long getMaximumXSiteReplicationTimeTo(@Parameter(name="dstSite",description="Destination site name") String dstSite)
    • getNumberXSiteRequests

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns the number of sync cross-site requests", displayName="Cross-Site replication requests", measurementType=TRENDSUP) public long getNumberXSiteRequests()
    • getNumberXSiteRequestsSentTo

      @ManagedOperation(description="Returns the number of cross-site requests sent to the remote site.", displayName="Number of Cross-Site request sent to site", name="NumberXSiteRequestsSentTo") public long getNumberXSiteRequestsSentTo(@Parameter(name="dstSite",description="Destination site name") String dstSite)
    • getNumberXSiteRequestsReceived

      @ManagedAttribute(description="Returns the number of cross-site requests received from all nodes", displayName="Number of Cross-Site Requests Received from all sites", measurementType=TRENDSUP) public long getNumberXSiteRequestsReceived()
    • getNumberXSiteRequestsReceivedFrom

      @ManagedOperation(description="Returns the number of cross-site requests received from the remote site.", displayName="Number of Cross-Site request received from site", name="NumberXSiteRequestsReceivedFrom") public long getNumberXSiteRequestsReceivedFrom(@Parameter(name="srcSite",description="Originator site name") String srcSite)
    • setTransport

      public void setTransport(Transport t)
    • getAddress

      public Address getAddress()
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Returns the address associated with this RpcManager or null if not part of the cluster.
      Specified by:
      getAddress in interface RpcManager
    • getTopologyId

      public int getTopologyId()
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Returns the current topology id. As opposed to the viewId which is updated whenever the cluster changes, the topologyId is updated when a new cache instance is started or removed - this doesn't necessarily coincide with a node being added/removed to the cluster.
      Specified by:
      getTopologyId in interface RpcManager
    • getSyncRpcOptions

      public RpcOptions getSyncRpcOptions()
      Specified by:
      getSyncRpcOptions in interface RpcManager
      The default options for synchronous remote invocations.
    • getMembers

      public List<Address> getMembers()
      Description copied from interface: RpcManager
      Returns members of a cluster scoped to the cache owning this RpcManager. Note that this List is always a subset of Transport.getMembers()
      Specified by:
      getMembers in interface RpcManager
      a list of cache scoped cluster members