Package org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.annotation
package org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.annotation
-specific listener annotations- Public API
Annotation InterfacesClassDescriptionThis annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache is started.This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache is stopped.This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a configuration is changed.This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is used in a cluster and the cluster topology experiences a merge event after a cluster split.This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cross-site view changes (sites connects or disconnects).This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is used in a cluster and the cluster topology changes (i.e., a member joins or leaves the cluster).