advancedExternalizer - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
AdvancedExternalizer provides an alternative way to provide externalizers for marshalling/unmarshalling user defined classes that overcome the deficiencies of the more user-friendly externalizer definition model explained in Externalizer.  
advancedExternalizers - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures custom marshallers.  
async - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configuration for the async cache loader. 
async - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
If configured all communications are asynchronous, in that whenever a thread sends a message sent over the wire, it does not wait for an acknowledgment before returning. 
clustering - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Defines clustered characteristics of the cache.  
configuration - complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
customInterceptors - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures custom interceptors to be added to the cache.  
dataContainer - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Controls the data container for the cache.  
deadlockDetection - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures deadlock detection.  
eviction - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Controls the eviction settings for the cache.  
evictionStrategy - simpleType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
evictionThreadPolicy - simpleType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
executorFactory - complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
expiration - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Controls the default expiration settings for entries in the cache.  
global - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
globalJmxStatistics - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
This element specifies whether global statistics are gathered and reported via JMX for all caches under this cache manager.  
grouper - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
groups - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
hash - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Allows fine-tuning of rehashing characteristics. 
indexing - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures indexing of entries in the cache for searching.  
infinispan - element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Defines the configuration for Infinispan, for the cache manager configuration, for the default cache, and for named caches.  
interceptor - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
invocationBatching - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
isolationLevel - simpleType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
jmxStatistics - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Determines whether statistics are gather and reported.  
l1 - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures the L1 cache behavior in 'distributed' caches instances. 
lazyDeserialization - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Deprecated configuration element. 
loader - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configuration a specific cache loader or cache store  
loaders - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configuration for cache loaders and stores.  
locking - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Defines the local, in-VM locking and concurrency characteristics of the cache.  
lockingMode - simpleType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Defines the locking modes that are available for transactional caches: optimistic or pessimistic - see for more.  
properties - complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
property - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
recovery - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Defines recovery configuration for the cache.  
scheduledExecutorFactory - complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
serialization - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures serialization and marshalling settings.  
shutdown - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
This element specifies behavior when the JVM running the cache instance shuts down.  
shutdownHookBehavior - simpleType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
singletonStore - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
SingletonStore is a delegating cache store used for situations when only one instance in a cluster should interact with the underlying store. 
stateRetrieval - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures how state is retrieved when a new cache joins the cluster. 
stateTransfer - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Configures how state is transferred when a cache joins or leaves the cluster. 
storeAsBinary - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Controls whether when stored in memory, keys and values are stored as references to their original objects, or in a serialized, binary format. 
sync - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
If configured all communications are synchronous, in that whenever a thread sends a message sent over the wire, it blocks until it receives an acknowledgment from the recipient. 
transaction - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Defines transactional (JTA) characteristics of the cache.  
transactionMode - simpleType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Enumeration containing the available transaction modes for a cache.  
transport - nested element in element of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
This element configures the transport used for network communications across the cluster.  
unsafe - nested element in complexType of namespace urn:infinispan:config:5.1
Controls certain tuning parameters that may break some of Infinispan's public API contracts in exchange for better performance in some cases. 

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