Class SimpleGroupPrincipal.Externalizer

    • Constructor Detail

      • Externalizer

        public Externalizer()
    • Method Detail

      • writeObject

        public void writeObject​(ObjectOutput output,
                                SimpleGroupPrincipal object)
                         throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Externalizer
        Write the object reference to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeObject in interface org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Externalizer<SimpleGroupPrincipal>
        output - the object output to write to
        object - the object reference to write
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • readObject

        public SimpleGroupPrincipal readObject​(ObjectInput input)
                                        throws IOException,
        Description copied from interface: org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Externalizer
        Read an instance from the stream. The instance will have been written by the Externalizer.writeObject(ObjectOutput, Object) method. Implementations are free to create instances of the object read from the stream in any way that they feel like. This could be via constructor, factory or reflection.
        Specified by:
        readObject in interface org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Externalizer<SimpleGroupPrincipal>
        input - the object input to read from
        the object instance
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
        ClassNotFoundException - if a class could not be found