 * JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.

package javax.jms;

/** A <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> object is an active connection to a 
  * publish/subscribe JMS provider. A client uses a <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> 
  * object to create one or more <CODE>TopicSession</CODE> objects
  * for producing and consuming messages.
  *<P>A <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> can be used to create a 
  *<CODE>TopicSession</CODE>, from which
  * specialized topic-related objects can be created. 
  * A more general, and recommended approach is to use the 
  * <CODE>Connection</CODE> object. 
  * <P>The <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> object
  * should be used to support existing code.
  * @see         javax.jms.Connection
  * @see         javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
  * @see     javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory

public interface TopicConnection extends Connection {

    /** Creates a <CODE>TopicSession</CODE> object.
      * @param transacted indicates whether the session is transacted
      * @param acknowledgeMode indicates whether the consumer or the
      * client will acknowledge any messages it receives; ignored if the session
      * is transacted. Legal values are <code>Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE</code>, 
      * <code>Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE</code>, and 
      * <code>Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE</code>. 
      * @return a newly created topic session
      * @exception JMSException if the <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> object fails
      *                         to create a session due to some internal error or
      *                         lack of support for the specific transaction
      *                         and acknowledgement mode.
      * @see Session#AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE 
      * @see Session#CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE 
      * @see Session#DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE 

    createTopicSession(boolean transacted,
                       int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException;

    /** Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
      * This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      * @param topic the topic to access
      * @param messageSelector only messages with properties matching the
      * message selector expression are delivered.  A value of null or
      * an empty string indicates that there is no message selector  
      * for the message consumer.
      * @param sessionPool the server session pool to associate with this 
      * connection consumer
      * @param maxMessages the maximum number of messages that can be
      * assigned to a server session at one time
      * @return the connection consumer
      * @exception JMSException if the <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> object fails
      *                         to create a connection consumer due to some
      *                         internal error or invalid arguments for 
      *                         <CODE>sessionPool</CODE> and 
      *                         <CODE>messageSelector</CODE>.
      * @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid topic is specified.
      * @exception InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is invalid.
      * @see javax.jms.ConnectionConsumer

    createConnectionConsumer(Topic topic,
                             String messageSelector,
                             ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                 int maxMessages)
                 throws JMSException;

    /** Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). 
      * This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      * @param topic the topic to access
      * @param subscriptionName durable subscription name
      * @param messageSelector only messages with properties matching the
      * message selector expression are delivered.  A value of null or
      * an empty string indicates that there is no message selector 
      * for the message consumer.
      * @param sessionPool the server session pool to associate with this 
      * durable connection consumer
      * @param maxMessages the maximum number of messages that can be
      * assigned to a server session at one time
      * @return the durable connection consumer
      * @exception JMSException if the <CODE>TopicConnection</CODE> object fails
      *                         to create a connection consumer due to some
      *                         internal error or invalid arguments for 
      *                         <CODE>sessionPool</CODE> and 
      *                         <CODE>messageSelector</CODE>.
      * @exception InvalidDestinationException if an invalid topic is specified.
      * @exception InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is invalid.
      * @see javax.jms.ConnectionConsumer

    createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic,
                    String subscriptionName,
                                    String messageSelector,
                                    ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                    int maxMessages)
                             throws JMSException;