 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.

package org.jboss.invocation;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

import javax.transaction.Transaction;

 * The Invocation object is the generic object flowing through our interceptors.
 * <p>The heart of it is the payload map that can contain anything we then 
 *    put readers on them.  The first <em>reader</em> is this 
 *    <em>Invocation</em> object that can interpret the data in it. 
 * <p>Essentially we can carry ANYTHING from the client to the server, we keep
 *    a series of of predifined variables and method calls to get at the 
 *    pointers.  But really it is just  a repository of objects. 
 * @author  <a href="mailto:marc@jboss.org">Marc Fleury</a>
 * @author  <a href="mailto:christoph.jung@infor.de">Christoph G. Jung</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.22 $
public class Invocation
   /** The signature of the invoke() method */
   public static final String[] INVOKE_SIGNATURE = { "org.jboss.invocation.Invocation" };

   // The payload is a repository of everything associated with the invocation
   // It is information that will need to travel 

    * Contextual information to the invocation that is not part of the payload. 
   public Map transient_payload;

    * as_is classes that will not be marshalled by the invocation
    * (java.* and javax.* or anything in system classpath is OK)
   public Map as_is_payload;

   /** Payload will be marshalled for type hiding at the RMI layers. */
   public Map payload;

   public InvocationContext invocationContext;
   public Object[] args;
   public Object objectName;
   public Method method;
   public InvocationType invocationType;

   // The variables used to indicate what type of data and where to put it.

   // We are using the generic payload to store some of our data, we define 
   // some integer entries. These are just some variables that we define for 
   // use in "typed" getters and setters. One can define anything either in
   // here explicitely or through the use of external calls to getValue

    * No-args constructor exposed for externalization only.
   public Invocation() 

   public Invocation( Object id, Method m, Object[] args, Transaction tx,
      Principal identity, Object credential )
    * The generic store of variables.
    * <p>
    *    The generic getter and setter is really all that one needs to talk 
    *    to this object. We introduce typed getters and setters for 
    *    convenience and code readability in the codeba
   public void setValue(Object key, Object value)
      setValue(key, value, PayloadKey.PAYLOAD);
    * Advanced store
    * Here you can pass a TYPE that indicates where to put the value.
    * TRANSIENT: the value is put in a map that WON'T be passed 
    * AS_IS: no need to marshall the value when passed (use for all JDK 
    *    java types)
    * PAYLOAD: we need to marshall the value as its type is application specific
   public void setValue(Object key, Object value, PayloadKey type) 
      if(type == PayloadKey.TRANSIENT) 
      else if(type == PayloadKey.AS_IS)
      else if(type == PayloadKey.PAYLOAD)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown PayloadKey: " + type);
    * Get a value from the stores.
   public Object getValue(Object key) 
      // find where it is
      Object rtn = getPayloadValue(key);
      if (rtn != null) return rtn;

      rtn = getAsIsValue(key);
      if (rtn != null) return rtn;

      rtn = getTransientValue(key);
      return rtn;
   public Object getPayloadValue(Object key)
      if (payload == null) return null;
      return payload.get(key);

   public Object getTransientValue(Object key)
      if (transient_payload == null) return null;
      return transient_payload.get(key);

   public Object getAsIsValue(Object key)
      if (as_is_payload == null) return null;
      return as_is_payload.get(key);

   // Convenience typed getters, use pre-declared keys in the store, 
   // but it all comes back to the payload, here you see the usage of the 
   // different payloads.  Anything that has a well defined type can go in as_is
   // Anything that is arbitrary and depends on the application needs to go in 
   // in the serialized payload.  The "Transaction" is known, the type of the 
   // method arguments are not for example and are part of the EJB jar.
    * set the transaction.
   public void setTransaction(Transaction tx)
      if( tx instanceof Serializable )
         getAsIsPayload().put(InvocationKey.TRANSACTION, tx);
         getTransientPayload().put(InvocationKey.TRANSACTION, tx);
    * get the transaction.
   public Transaction getTransaction()
      Transaction tx = (Transaction) getAsIsPayload().get(InvocationKey.TRANSACTION);
      if( tx == null )
         tx = (Transaction) getTransientPayload().get(InvocationKey.TRANSACTION);
      return tx;

    * Change the security identity of this invocation.
   public void setPrincipal(Principal principal)
      getAsIsPayload().put(InvocationKey.PRINCIPAL, principal);
   public Principal getPrincipal()
      return (Principal) getAsIsPayload().get(InvocationKey.PRINCIPAL);
    * Change the security credentials of this invocation.
   public void setCredential(Object credential)
      getPayload().put(InvocationKey.CREDENTIAL, credential);
   public Object getCredential()
      return getPayloadValue(InvocationKey.CREDENTIAL);
    * container for server side association.
   public void setObjectName(Object objectName)
      this.objectName = objectName;
   public Object getObjectName()
      return objectName;
    * An arbitrary type.
   public void setType(InvocationType type)
      invocationType = type;
   public InvocationType getType()
      if (invocationType == null) return InvocationType.LOCAL;
      return invocationType;

    * Return the invocation target ID.  Can be used to identify a cached object
   public void setId(Object id)
      getPayload().put(InvocationKey.CACHE_ID, id);
   public Object getId()
      return getPayloadValue(InvocationKey.CACHE_ID);
    * set on method Return the invocation method.
   public void setMethod(Method method)
      this.method = method;
    * get on method Return the invocation method.
   public Method getMethod()
      return method;
    * A list of arguments for the method.
   public void setArguments(Object[] arguments)
      this.args = arguments;
   public Object[] getArguments()
      return this.args;
    * marcf: SCOTT WARNING! I removed the "setPrincipal" that was called here
   public InvocationContext getInvocationContext()
      return invocationContext;

   public void setInvocationContext(InvocationContext ctx)
      this.invocationContext = ctx;
   public void setEnterpriseContext(Object ctx)
      getTransientPayload().put(InvocationKey.ENTERPRISE_CONTEXT, ctx);
   public Object getEnterpriseContext()
      return getTransientPayload().get(InvocationKey.ENTERPRISE_CONTEXT);

   public Map getTransientPayload()
      if (transient_payload == null) transient_payload = new HashMap();
      return transient_payload;

   public Map getAsIsPayload()
      if (as_is_payload == null) as_is_payload = new HashMap();
      return as_is_payload;

   public Map getPayload()
      if (payload == null) payload = new HashMap();
      return payload;

    * This method will be called by the container(ContainerInterceptor) to issue the
    * ultimate method call represented by this invocation. It is overwritten, e.g., by the
    * WS4EE invocation in order to realize JAXRPC pre- and postprocessing.
   public Object performCall(Object instance, Method m, Object[] arguments)
           throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, Exception
      return m.invoke(instance,arguments);

    * Helper method to determine whether an invocation is local
    * @return true when local, false otherwise
   public boolean isLocal()
      InvocationType type = getType();
      return (type == InvocationType.LOCAL || type == InvocationType.LOCALHOME);