 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Savepoint;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEvent;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo;
import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection;
import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionMetaData;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException;

 * BaseWrapperManagedConnection.java
 * Created: Fri Apr 19 13:31:47 2002
 * @author <a href="mailto:d_jencks@users.sourceforge.net">David Jencks</a>
 * @author <a href="mailto:adrian@jboss.com">Adrian Brock</a>
 * @version $Revision: $

public abstract class BaseWrapperManagedConnection
   implements  ManagedConnection

   protected final BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory mcf;
   protected final Connection con;
   protected final Properties props;
   private final int transactionIsolation;
   private final boolean readOnly;

   private final Collection cels = new ArrayList();
   private final Set handles = new HashSet();
   private PreparedStatementCache psCache = null;

   protected Object stateLock = new Object();
   protected boolean inManagedTransaction = false;
   protected boolean jdbcAutoCommit = true;
   protected boolean underlyingAutoCommit = true;
   protected boolean jdbcReadOnly;
   protected boolean underlyingReadOnly;
   protected int jdbcTransactionIsolation;
   protected boolean destroyed = false;

   public BaseWrapperManagedConnection (final BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
                                  final Connection con,
                                  final Properties props,
                                  final int transactionIsolation,
                                  final int psCacheSize)
      throws SQLException
      this.mcf = mcf;
      this.con = con;
      this.props = props;
      if (psCacheSize > 0)
          psCache = new PreparedStatementCache(psCacheSize);

      if (transactionIsolation == -1)
         this.transactionIsolation = con.getTransactionIsolation();
         this.transactionIsolation = transactionIsolation;

      readOnly = con.isReadOnly();

      if (mcf.getNewConnectionSQL() != null)
         Statement s = con.createStatement();

      underlyingReadOnly = readOnly;
      jdbcReadOnly = readOnly;
      jdbcTransactionIsolation = this.transactionIsolation;
   // implementation of javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection interface

    * @param param1 <description>
   public void addConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener cel)
      synchronized (cels)

    * @param param1 <description>
   public void removeConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListener cel)
      synchronized (cels)

    * @param param1 <description>
    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public void associateConnection(Object handle) throws ResourceException
      if (!(handle instanceof WrappedConnection))
         throw new JBossResourceException("Wrong kind of connection handle to associate" + handle);

    * @return <description>
    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws ResourceException
      // TODO: implement this javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection method
      return null;

    * @return <description>
    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public ManagedConnectionMetaData getMetaData() throws ResourceException
      // TODO: implement this javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection method
      return null;

    * @param param1 <description>
    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter param1) throws ResourceException
      // TODO: implement this javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection method

    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public void cleanup() throws ResourceException
      synchronized (handles)
         for (Iterator i = handles.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            WrappedConnection lc = (WrappedConnection)i.next();
      //reset all the properties we know about to defaults.
      synchronized (stateLock)
         jdbcAutoCommit = true;
         jdbcReadOnly = readOnly;
         if (jdbcTransactionIsolation != transactionIsolation)
               jdbcTransactionIsolation = transactionIsolation;
            catch (SQLException e)
               mcf.log.warn("Error resetting transaction isolation ", e);

    * @param param1 <description>
    * @param param2 <description>
    * @return <description>
    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public Object getConnection(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri) throws ResourceException
      checkIdentity(subject, cri);
      WrappedConnection lc =  new WrappedConnection(this);
      synchronized (handles)
      return lc;

    * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException <description>
   public void destroy() throws ResourceException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         destroyed = true;

      catch (SQLException e)
      } // end of try-catch

   //JBoss specific method to check validity, may be called when managed connection is taken from pool to be used.

   public boolean checkValid()
      SQLException e = mcf.isValidConnection(con);

      if (e == null)
         // It's ok
         return true;
         mcf.log.warn("Destroying connection that is not valid, due to the following exception:", e);
         return false;

   //package methods

   void closeHandle(WrappedConnection handle)
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (destroyed)

      ConnectionEvent ce = new ConnectionEvent(this, ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED);
      Collection copy = null;
         copy = new ArrayList(cels);
      for (Iterator i = copy.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
         ConnectionEventListener cel = (ConnectionEventListener)i.next();

    * Describe <code>connectionError</code> method here.
    * @param e a <code>SQLException</code> value
    * @todo Figure out when connectionError should be called, and uncomment it.
   void connectionError(SQLException e)
      if (mcf.isExceptionFatal(e))

   protected void broadcastConnectionError(SQLException e)
      ConnectionEvent ce = new ConnectionEvent(this, ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_ERROR_OCCURRED, e);
      Collection copy = null;
         copy = new ArrayList(cels);
      for (Iterator i = copy.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
         ConnectionEventListener cel = (ConnectionEventListener)i.next();

   Connection getConnection()
      throws SQLException
      if (con == null)
         throw new SQLException("Connection has been destroyed!!!");
      return con;

   PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException
      if (psCache != null)
         CachedPreparedStatement cachedps = (CachedPreparedStatement)psCache.get(sql);
         if (cachedps != null)
            if (canUse(cachedps))
               return con.prepareStatement(sql);
            PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            cachedps = new CachedPreparedStatement(ps);
            psCache.insert(sql, cachedps);
         return cachedps;
         return con.prepareStatement(sql);

   boolean canUse(CachedPreparedStatement cachedps)
      // Nobody is using it so we are ok
      if (cachedps.isInUse() == false)
         return true;
      // Cannot reuse prepared statements in auto commit mode
      // if will close the previous usage of the PS
      if (underlyingAutoCommit == true)
         return false;
      // We have been told not to share
      return mcf.sharePS;
   protected Logger getLog()
      return mcf.log;

   //private methods

    * Describe <code>checkIdentity</code> method here.
    * @exception ResourceException if an error occurs
    * @todo check if subject or cri should have higher priority.
   private void checkIdentity(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
      throws ResourceException
      Properties newProps = mcf.getConnectionProperties(subject, cri);
      if (!props.equals(newProps))
         throw new JBossResourceException("Wrong credentials passed to getConnection!");
      } // end of if ()

    * The <code>checkTransaction</code> method makes sure the adapter follows the JCA
    * autocommit contract, namely all statements executed outside a container managed transaction
    * or a component managed transaction should be autocommitted. To avoid continually calling
    * setAutocommit(enable) before and after container managed transactions, we keep track of the state
    * and check it before each transactional method call.
   void checkTransaction() throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (inManagedTransaction)

         // Check autocommit
         if (jdbcAutoCommit != underlyingAutoCommit)
            underlyingAutoCommit = jdbcAutoCommit;


    * Checks the state
   protected void checkState() throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         // Check readonly
         if (jdbcReadOnly != underlyingReadOnly)
            underlyingReadOnly = jdbcReadOnly;

    * Get the JdbcAutoCommit value.
    * @return the JdbcAutoCommit value.
   boolean isJdbcAutoCommit()
      return inManagedTransaction? false: jdbcAutoCommit;

    * Set the JdbcAutoCommit value.
    * @param newJdbcAutoCommit The new JdbcAutoCommit value.
   void setJdbcAutoCommit(final boolean jdbcAutoCommit)
      throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (inManagedTransaction)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot set autocommit during a managed transaction!");
         this.jdbcAutoCommit = jdbcAutoCommit;

    * Get the read only value.
    * @return the read only value.
   boolean isJdbcReadOnly()
      return jdbcReadOnly;

    * Set the read only value.
    * @param readonly The new read only value.
   void setJdbcReadOnly(final boolean readOnly)
      throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (inManagedTransaction)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot set read only during a managed transaction!");
         this.jdbcReadOnly = readOnly;

    * Get the isolation value.
    * @return the isolation value.
   int getJdbcTransactionIsolation()
      return jdbcTransactionIsolation;

    * Set the transaction isolation.
    * @param isolationLevel The new isolation value.
   void setJdbcTransactionIsolation(final int isolationLevel)
      throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         this.jdbcTransactionIsolation = isolationLevel;

   void jdbcCommit() throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (inManagedTransaction)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot commit during a managed transaction!");
         if (jdbcAutoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot commit with autocommit set!");

   void jdbcRollback() throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (inManagedTransaction)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot rollback during a managed transaction!");
         if (jdbcAutoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot rollback with autocommit set!");

   void jdbcRollback(Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLException
      synchronized (stateLock)
         if (inManagedTransaction)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot rollback during a managed transaction!");
         if (jdbcAutoCommit)
            throw new SQLException("You cannot rollback with autocommit set!");

   int getTrackStatements()
      return mcf.trackStatements;

   //private methods

   protected void checkException(SQLException e) throws ResourceException
      throw new JBossResourceException("SQLException", e);

}// BaseWrapperManagedConnection