 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.test.entityexc.interfaces;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;

 *  Remote interface of entity exception test bean.
 *  @author <a href="mailto:osh@sparre.dk">Ole Husgaard</a>
 *  @version $Revision: 1.1 $
public interface EntityExc extends EJBObject
   *  Exception code for a {@link MyAppException].
   *  This may be used in the flags sent to various methods
   *  here, and in the home interface.
  public final int EXC_MYAPPEXCEPTION = 1;

   *  Exception code for a <code>CreateException</code>.
   *  This may be used in the flags sent to various methods
   *  here, and in the home interface.
  public final int EXC_CREATEEXCEPTION = 2;

   *  Exception code for a <code>EJBException</code>.
   *  This may be used in the flags sent to various methods
   *  here, and in the home interface.
  public final int EXC_EJBEXCEPTION = 3;

   *  Flags exception code mask.
  public final int F_EXC_MASK = 0xff;

   *  Flag telling that an exception should be thrown
   *  <em>after</em> the exception, and not before.
  public final int F_THROW_BEFORE = 0x100;

   *  Flag telling that failure should not happen until the postCreate
   *  method. Ignored for non-create invocations.
  public final int F_FAIL_POSTCREATE = 0x200;

   *  Flag telling that <code>context.setRollbackOnly</code> must be
   *  called before returning.
  public final int F_SETROLLBACKONLY = 0x400;

   *  Text of Exception message thrown.
   *  We check this to make sure we get <i>our</i> Exception.
  public final String EXCEPTION_TEXT = "Hello, cruel world.";

   *  Return the id of this instance.
  public int getId()
    throws RemoteException;

   *  Return the value of this instance.
   *  This method really works.
  public int getVal()
    throws RemoteException;

   *  Increment the value of this instance by one.
  public void incrementVal()
    throws RemoteException;

   *  Increment the value of this instance by one, and fail according to
   *  the failure argument afterwards.
   *  This method has a Required transaction attribute. 
  public void incrementVal(int flags)
    throws MyAppException, RemoteException;
