JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation


The JBoss DNA project provides an implementation of the JCR API, which is built on top of the core libraries discussed earlier. This implementation as well as a number of JCR-related components are described in this part of the document. But before talking about how to use the JCR API with a JBoss DNA repository, first we need to show how to set up a JBoss DNA engine.

Table of Contents

8. Configuring and Using JBoss DNA
8.1. JBoss DNA's JcrEngine
8.2. JcrConfiguration
8.2.1. Loading from a Configuration File
8.2.2. Loading from a Configuration Repository
8.2.3. Programmatic Configuration
8.3. Deploying JBoss DNA via JNDI
8.3.1. Example application using JCR and JNDI
8.3.2. Configuring JCR and JNDI
8.4. Using JBoss DNA via Maven
8.5. What's next
9. Using the JCR API with JBoss DNA
9.1. Obtaining JCR Repositories
9.2. Creating JCR Sessions
9.2.1. Using JAAS
9.2.2. Using Custom Security
9.2.3. Using HTTP Servlet security
9.2.4. Guest (Anonymous) User Access
9.3. JCR Specification Support
9.3.1. Level 1 and Level 2 (Required) Features
9.3.2. Optional Features
9.3.3. JCR Security
9.3.4. Built-In Node Types
9.3.5. Custom Node Type Registration
9.4. Summary
10. Querying and Searching using JCR
10.1. JCR Query API
10.2. JCR XPath Query Language
10.2.1. Column Specifiers
10.2.2. Type Constraints
10.2.3. Property Constraints
10.2.4. Path Constraints
10.2.5. Ordering Specifiers
10.2.6. Miscellaneous
10.3. JCR-SQL Query Language
10.4. JCR-SQL2 Query Language
10.4.1. Queries
10.4.2. Sources
10.4.3. Joins
10.4.4. Equi-Join Conditions
10.4.5. Same-Node Join Conditions
10.4.6. Child-Node Join Conditions
10.4.7. Descendant-Node Join Conditions
10.4.8. Constraints
10.4.9. And Constraints
10.4.10. Or Constraints
10.4.11. Not Constraints
10.4.12. Comparison Constraints
10.4.13. Between Constraints
10.4.14. Property Existence Constraints
10.4.15. Set Constraints
10.4.16. Full-text Search Constraints
10.4.17. Same-Node Constraint
10.4.18. Child-Node Constraints
10.4.19. Descendant-Node Constraints
10.4.20. Paths and Names
10.4.21. Static Operands
10.4.22. Bind Variables
10.4.23. Dynamic Operands
10.4.24. Ordering
10.4.25. Columns
10.4.26. Limit and Offset
10.5. Full-Text Search Language
10.5.1. Full-text Search Expressions
11. The JBoss DNA RESTful Web Service
11.1. Supported Resources and Methods
11.1.1. Binary properties
11.2. Configuring the DNA REST Server
11.3. Deploying the DNA REST Server
11.4. Repository Providers
11.5. DNA REST Client API