Element name Attribute name Required Default Value Mnemonic Comments

GatewayListenerController root node (1)

There must always be a root node even if

none of it's attributes are set


command-queue-class n null (no command queue)
Use 'org.jboss.soa.internal.soa.esb.command..JmsCommandQueue' if

you wish to send runtime asynchronous commands to your listener

controller, via a JMS queue

commandConnFactoryClass n ConnectionFactory JmsCommandQueue.COMMAND_CONN_FACTORY

commandJndiType n jboss JmsCommandQueue.COMMAND_JNDI_TYPE

commandJndiURL n localhost JmsCommandQueue.COMMAND_JNDI_URL

commandIsTopic n false JmsCommandQueue.COMMAND_IS_TOPIC

commandJndiName n null JmsCommandQueue.COMMAND_JNDI_NAME

messageSelector n null JmsCommandQueue.COMMAND_MSG_SELECTOR

If no command queue is specified, maximum run time and frequency of

parameter reloading, can be specified using the following two attributes

parameterReloadSecs n 180 seconds GatewayListenerController.RELOAD_SECONDS_TAG

endTime n for ever GatewayListenerController.END_TIME_TAG yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss

Email configuration child element (0,1)


If present, must be an immediate child of the root node

org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.host n localhost Environment.SMTP_HOST

org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.user n null Environment.SMTP_USERNAME

org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.password n null Environment.SMTP_PASSWORD

org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.port n 25 Environment.SMTP_PORT

org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.from n null Environment.SMTP_FROM

org.jboss.soa.esb.mail.smtp.auth n false Environment.SMTP_AUTH

Controlled gateway listener classes (1,*)

any (except EmailProperties)

All gateway listener classes can contain (0,1) <action> child elements




process n process ListenerTagNames.PROCESS_METHOD_TAG

Users can specify their own action class (the class responsible to compose an ESB Message from an Object

If they don't, there is a default action class for each transport (File, JMS, SQL)

If they do, the class must have a constructor taking a single ConfigTree argument, and a 'composing'

method (default name for method is 'process') that takes a single Object argument, and returns an ESB Message

If user supplied action class needs more run time configuration attributes and/or elements, these

must belong inside the action element (enclosed within the <action> </action> pair)

Action classes receive their own Element at constructor time, naturally including all child elements

FileGatewayListener configuration

Default Message composing action for FileGatewayListener if no <action> element

is specified, is to put file contents into Message Body as a byte []

gatewayClass y
GatewayListenerController.GATEWAY_CLASS_TAG must be 'org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.FileGatewayListener'

target-service-category y
ListenerTagNames.TARGET_SERVICE_CATEGORY_TAG Used to search in Registry

target-service-name y
ListenerTagNames.TARGET_SERVICE_NAME_TAG Used to search in Registry

pollLatencySeconds n 10 ListenerTagNames.POLL_LATENCY_SECS_TAG

inputDir y

inputSuffix y

workSuffix n .esbWork ListenerTagNames.FILE_WORK_SFX_TAG

errorDir n defaults to inputDir ListenerTagNames.FILE_ERROR_DIR_TAG

errorSuffix n .esbError ListenerTagNames.FILE_ERROR_SFX_TAG

postDir n defaults to inputDir ListenerTagNames.FILE_POST_DIR_TAG

postSuffix n .esbDone ListenerTagNames.FILE_POST_SFX_TAG

postDelete n false ListenerTagNames.FILE_POST_DEL_TAG

JmsGatewayListener configuration

Default Message composing action for JmsGatewayListener if no <action> element

is specified, is to put JMS message contents into Message Body as a byte []

Types of JMS messages handled by the default ESB message composer class

are: TextMessage, BytesMessage and ObjectMessage

gatewayClass y
GatewayListenerController.GATEWAY_CLASS_TAG must be 'org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.JmsGatewayListener'

target-service-category y
ListenerTagNames.TARGET_SERVICE_CATEGORY_TAG Used to search in Registry

target-service-name y
ListenerTagNames.TARGET_SERVICE_NAME_TAG Used to search in Registry

connection-factory n ConnectionFactory JMSEpr.CONNECTION_FACTORY_TAG

jndi-type n jboss JMSEpr.JNDI_TYPE_TAG

jndi-URL n localhost JMSEpr.JNDI_URL_TAG

destination-name y

message-selector n null JMSEpr.MESSAGE_SELECTOR_TAG

SqlTableGatewayListener configuration

For each row found in the table/view the listener will put all column values specified

in the 'selectFields' attribute into a java.util.Map.

If user specifies an <action> element, then the action's process(Object) method will receive the Map mentioned above

Default Message composing action for SqlTableGatewayListener if no <action> element

is specified, is to place this Map in the resulting Message named property: “sqlRowData” (mnemonic: ListenerTagNames.SQL_ROW_DATA_TAG)

gatewayClass y
GatewayListenerController.GATEWAY_CLASS_TAG must be 'org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.SqlTableGatewayListener'

target-service-category y
ListenerTagNames.TARGET_SERVICE_CATEGORY_TAG Used to search in Registry

target-service-name y
ListenerTagNames.TARGET_SERVICE_NAME_TAG Used to search in Registry

pollLatencySeconds n 10 ListenerTagNames.POLL_LATENCY_SECS_TAG

driver y


username n zero length string JDBCEpr.USERNAME_TAG

password n zero length string JDBCEpr.PASSWORD_TAG

tableName y

selectFields y

keyFields y
ListenerTagNames.SQL_KEY_FIELDS_TAG All fields in this list must also be in the selectFields list

inProcessField y
ListenerTagNames.SQL_IN_PROCESS_FIELD_TAG Used to avoid concurrent access to same row

whereCondition n null ListenerTagNames.SQL_WHERE_CONDITION_TAG

orderBy n null ListenerTagNames.SQL_ORDER_BY_TAG

postDelete n false ListenerTagNames.SQL_POST_DEL_TAG