Chapter 5. How to Compile Native Libraries

There are two native libraries for JBossProfiler, JVMTI and JVMPI.

JVMPI is a API released for JVM 1.4, and is being replaced by a newer and better version called JVMTI.

We are still supporting both versions as JVMPI is the only native way to extract performance metrics from JVM 1.4.

5.1. Requirements

In case you are using windows, you will need cygwin installed in order to compile either JVMPI or JVMTI.

You will then need g++ and gcc installed.

You also need JAVA_HOME defined to a valid JDK 1.4 (JVMPI) or JDK 1.5 (JVMPI and JVMTI), as some includes will be used under JDK directory.

5.2. Compiling JVMPI Module

Under jvmti-lib there are one directory for each platform. (linux, solaris, macos and win32).

Go the directory that represents your platform and call ./

5.3. Compiling JVMTI Module

Under jvmpi-lib there are one directory for each platform. (linux, solaris, macos and win32).

Go the directory that represents your platform and call ./