Sample code demonstrating different remoting features can be found in the examples directory. They can be compiled and run manually via your IDE or via an ant build file found in the examples directory. There are many sets of sample code, each with their own package. Within most of these packages, there will be a server and a client class that will need to be executed
The simple invocation sample (found in the org.jboss.remoting.samples.simple package), has two classes; SimpleClient and SimpleServer. It demonstrates making a simple invocation from a remoting client to a remoting server. The SimpleClient class will create an InvokerLocator object from a simple url-like string that identifies the remoting server to call upon (which will be socket://localhost:5400 by default). Then the SimpleClient will create a remoting Client class, passing the newly created InvokerLocator. Next the Client will be called to make an invocation on the remoting server, passing the request payload object (which is a String with the value of "Do something"). The server will return a response from this call which is printed to standard output.
Within the SimpleServer, a remoting server is created and started. This is done by first creating an InvokerLocator, just like was done in the SimpleClient. Then constructing a Connector, passing the InvokerLocator. Next, need to call create() on the Connector to initialize all the resources, such as the remoting server invoker. Once created, need to create the invocation handler. The invocation handler is the class that the remoting server will pass client requests on to. The invocation handler in this sample simply returns the simple String "This is the return to SampleInvocationHandler invocation". Once created, the handler is added to the Connector. Finally, the Connector is started and will start listening for incoming client requests.
To run this example, can compile both the SimpleClient and SimpleServer class, then first run the SimpleServer and then the SimpleClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-simple-server' and then in another console window run the ant target 'run-simple-client'. For example:
ant run-simple-server
ant then:
ant run-simple-client
The output when running the SimpleClient should look like:
Calling remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Invoking server with request of 'Do something' Invocation response: This is the return to SampleInvocationHandler invocation
The output when running the SimpleServer should look like:
Starting remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Invocation request is: Do something Returning response of: This is the return to SampleInvocationHandler invocation
Note: will have to manually shut down the SimpleServer once started.
This http invocation sample (found in the org.jboss.remoting.samples.http package), demonstrates how the http invoker can be used for a variety of http based invocations. This time, will start with the server side. The SimpleServer class is much like the one from the previous simple invocation example, except that instead of using the 'socket' transport, will be using the 'http' transport. Also, instead of using the SampleInvocationHandler class as the handler, will be using the WebInvocationHandler (code shown below).
public class WebInvocationHandler implements ServerInvocationHandler { // Pre-defined returns to be sent back to client based on type of request. public static final String RESPONSE_VALUE = "This is the return to simple text based http invocation."; public static final ComplexObject OBJECT_RESPONSE_VALUE = new ComplexObject(5, "dub", false); public static final String HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE = "<html><head><title>Test HTML page</title></head><body>" + "<h1>HTTP/Servlet Test HTML page</h1><p>This is a simple page served for test." + "<p>Should show up in browser or via invoker client</body></html>"; // Different request types that client may make public static final String NULL_RETURN_PARAM = "return_null"; public static final String OBJECT_RETURN_PARAM = "return_object"; public static final String STRING_RETURN_PARAM = "return_string"; /** * called to handle a specific invocation * * @param invocation * @return * @throws Throwable */ public Object invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) throws Throwable { // Print out the invocation request System.out.println("Invocation request from client is: " + invocation.getParameter()); if(NULL_RETURN_PARAM.equals(invocation.getParameter())) { return null; } else if(invocation.getParameter() instanceof ComplexObject) { return OBJECT_RESPONSE_VALUE; } else if(STRING_RETURN_PARAM.equals(invocation.getParameter())) { Map responseMetadata = invocation.getReturnPayload(); responseMetadata.put(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE, new Integer(207)); responseMetadata.put(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE_MESSAGE, "Custom response code and message from remoting server"); // Just going to return static string as this is just simple example code. return RESPONSE_VALUE; } else { return HTML_PAGE_RESPONSE; } }
The most interesting part of the WebInvocationHandler is its invoke() method implementation. First it will check to see what the request parameter was from the InvocationRequest and based on what the value is, will return different responses. The first check is to see if the client passed a request to return a null value. The second will check to see if the request parameter from the client was of type ComplexObject. If so, return the pre-built ComplexObject that was created as a static variable.
After that, will check to see if the request parameter was for returning a simple String. Notice in this block, will set the desired response code and message to be returned to the client. In this case, are setting the response code to be returned to 207 and the response message to "Custom response code and message from remoting server". These are non-standard code and message, but can be anything desired.
Last, if have not found a matching invocation request parameter, will just return some simple html.
Now onto the client side for making the calls to this handler, which can be found in SimpleClient (code shown below).
public class SimpleClient { // Default locator values private static String transport = "http"; private static String host = "localhost"; private static int port = 5400; public void makeInvocation(String locatorURI) throws Throwable { // create InvokerLocator with the url type string // indicating the target remoting server to call upon. InvokerLocator locator = new InvokerLocator(locatorURI); System.out.println("Calling remoting server with locator uri of: " + locatorURI); Client remotingClient = new Client(locator); // make invocation on remoting server and send complex data object // by default, the remoting http client invoker will use method type of POST, // which is needed when ever sending objects to the server. So no metadata map needs // to be passed to the invoke() method. Object response = remotingClient.invoke(new ComplexObject(2, "foo", true), null); System.out.println("\nResponse from remoting http server when making http POST request and sending a complex data object:\n" + response); Map metadata = new HashMap(); // set the metadata so remoting client knows to use http GET method type metadata.put("TYPE", "GET"); // not actually sending any data to the remoting server, just want to get its response response = remotingClient.invoke((Object) null, metadata); System.out.println("\nResponse from remoting http server when making GET request:\n" + response); // now set type back to POST and send a plain text based request metadata.put("TYPE", "POST"); response = remotingClient.invoke(WebInvocationHandler.STRING_RETURN_PARAM, metadata); System.out.println("\nResponse from remoting http server when making http POST request and sending a text based request:\n" + response); // notice are getting custom response code and message set by web invocation handler Integer responseCode = (Integer) metadata.get(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE); String responseMessage = (String) metadata.get(HTTPMetadataConstants.RESPONSE_CODE_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Response code from server: " + responseCode); System.out.println("Response message from server: " + responseMessage); }
This SimpleClient, like the one before in the simple invocation example, starts off by creating an InvokerLocator and remoting Client instance, except is using http transport instead of socket. The first invocation made is to send a newly constructed ComplexObject. If remember from the WebInvocationHandler above, will expect this invocation to return a different ComplexObject, which can be seen in the following system output line.
The next invocation to be made is a simple http GET request. To do this, must first let the remoting client know that the method type needs to be changed from the default, which is POST, to be GET. Then make the invocation with a null payload (since not wanting to send any data, just get data in response) and the metadata map just populated with the GET type. This invocation request will return a response of html.
Then, will change back to being a POST type request and will pass a simple String as the payload to the invocation request. This will return a simple String as the response from the WebInvocationHandler. Afterward, will see the specific response code and message printed to standard output, as well as the exception itself.
To run this example, can compile all the classes in the package, then first run the SimpleServer and then the SimpleClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-http-server' and then in another console window run the ant target 'run-http-client'. For example:
ant run-http-server
and then:
ant run-http-client
The output when running the SimpleClient should look like:
Response from remoting http server when making http POST request and sending a complex data object: ComplexObject (i = 5, s = dub, b = false, bytes.length = 0) Response from remoting http server when making GET request: <html><head><title>Test HTML page</title></head><body><h1>HTTP/Servlet Test HTML page</h1><p>This is a simple page served for test.<p>Should show up in browser or via invoker client</body></html> Response from remoting http server when making http POST request and sending a text based request: This is the return to simple text based http invocation. Response code from server: 207 Response message from server: Custom response code and message from remoting server
Notice that the first response is the ComplexObject from the static variable returned within WebInvocationHandler. The next response is html and then simple text from the WebInvocationHandler. Can see the specific response code and message set in the WebInvocationHandler.
The output from the SimpleServer should look like:
Starting remoting server with locator uri of: http://localhost:5400 Jan 26, 2006 11:39:53 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol init INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http- Jan 26, 2006 11:39:53 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol start INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http- Invocation request from client is: ComplexObject (i = 2, s = foo, b = true, bytes.length = 0) Invocation request from client is: null Invocation request from client is: return_string
First the information for the http server invoker is written, which includes the locator uri used to start the server and the output from starting the Tomcat connector. Then will see the invocation parameter passed for each client request.
Since the SimpleServer should still be running, can open a web browser and enter the locator uri, http://localhost:5400. This should cause the browser to render the html returned from the WebInvocationHandler.
The oneway invocation sample (found in the org.jboss.remoting.samples.oneway package) is very similar to the simple invocation example, except in this sample, the client will make asynchronous invocations on the server.
The OnewayClient class sets up the remoting client as in the simple invocation sample, but instead of using the invoke() method, it uses the invokeOneway() method on the Client class. There are two basic modes when making a oneway invocation in remoting. The first is to have the calling thread to be the one that makes the actual call to the server. This allows the caller to ensure that the invocation request at least made it to the server. Once the server receives the invocation request, the call will return (and the request will be processed by a separate worker thread on the server). The other mode, which is demonstrated in the second call to invokeOneway, allows for the calling thread to return immediately and a worker thread on the client side will make the actual invocation on the server. This is faster of the two modes, but if there is a problem making the request on the server, the original caller will be unaware.
NOTE. In the interest of performance, the behavior of the various transports is not required to conform to the preceding description of the first, "server side", mode, in which the invocation is made on the calling thread. In particular, the socket and bisocket transports return immediately after writing the invocation, without waiting for a response from the server.
The OnewayServer is exactly the same as the SimpleServer from the previous example, with the exception that invocation handler returns null (since even if did return a response, would not be delivered to the original caller).
To run this example, can compile both the OnewayClient and OnewayServer class, then run the OnewayServer and then the OnewayClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-oneway-server' and then in another console window run the ant target 'run-oneway-client'. For example:
ant run-oneway-server
and then:
ant run-oneway-client
The output when running the OnewayClient should look like:
Calling remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Making oneway invocation with payload of 'Oneway call 1.' Making oneway invocation with payload of 'Oneway call 2.'
The output when running the OnewayServer should look like:
Starting remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Invocation request is: Oneway call 1. Invocation request is: Oneway call 2.
Note: will have to manually shut down the OnewayServer once started.
Although this example only demonstrates making one way invocations, could include this with callbacks (see further down) to have asynchronous invocations with callbacks to verify was processed.
The discovery sample (found in the org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection package) is similar to the simple invocation example in that it makes a simple invocation from the client to the server. However, in this example, instead of explicitly specifying the invoker locator to use for the target remoting server, it is discovered dynamically during runtime. This example is composed of two classes; SimpleDetectorClient and SimpleDetectorServer.
The SimpleDetectorClient starts off by setting up the remoting detector. Detection on the client side requires a few components; a JMX MBeanServer, one or more Detectors, and a NetworkRegistry. The Detectors will listen for detection messages from remoting servers and then add the information for the detected servers to the NetworkRegistry. They use JMX to lookup and call on the NetworkRegistry. The NetworkRegistry uses JMX Notifications to emit changes in network topology (remoting servers being added or removed).
In this particular example, the SimpleDetectorClient is registered with the NetworkRegistry as a notification listener. When it receives notifications from the NetworkRegistry (via the handleNotification() method), it will check to see if the notification is for adding or removing a remoting server. If it is for adding a remoting server, the SimpleDetectorClient will get the array of InvokerLocators from the NetworkNotification and make a remote call for each. If the notification is for removing a remoting server, the SimpleDetectorClient will simply print out a message saying which server has been removed.
The biggest change between the SimpleDetectorServer and the SimpleServer from the first sample is that have added a method, setupDetector(), to create and start a remoting Detector. On the server side, only two components are needed for detection; the Detector and a JMX MBeanServer. As for the setup of the Connector, it is exactly the same as before. Notice that even though we have added a Detector on the server side, the Connector is not directly aware of either Detector or the MBeanServer, so no code changes for the Connector setup is required.
To run this example, can compile both the SimpleDetectorClient and SimpleDetectorServer class, then run the SimpleDetectorServer and then the SimpleDetectorClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-detector-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'run-detector-client'. For example:
ant run-detector-server
and then:
ant run-detector-client
The initial output when running the SimpleDetectorClient should look like:
ri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: Starting JBoss/Remoting client... to stop this client, kill it manually via Control-C Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: NetworkRegistry has been created Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: NetworkRegistry has added the client as a listener Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: MulticastDetector has been created and is listening for new NetworkRegistries to come online Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: GOT A NETWORK-REGISTRY NOTIFICATION: Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: New server(s) have been detected - getting locators and sending welcome messages Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: Sending welcome message to remoting server with locator uri of: socket:// Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: The newly discovered server sent this response to our welcome message: Received your welcome message. Thank you!
The output when running the SimpleDetectorServer should look like:
Fri Jan 13 09:36:46 EST 2006: [SERVER]: Starting JBoss/Remoting server... to stop this server, kill it manually via Control-C Fri Jan 13 09:36:46 EST 2006: [SERVER]: This server's endpoint will be: socket://localhost:5400 Fri Jan 13 09:36:46 EST 2006: [SERVER]: MulticastDetector has been created and is listening for new NetworkRegistries to come online Fri Jan 13 09:36:46 EST 2006: [SERVER]: Starting remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Fri Jan 13 09:36:46 EST 2006: [SERVER]: Added our invocation handler; we are now ready to begin accepting messages from clients Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [SERVER]: RECEIVED A CLIENT MESSAGE: Welcome Aboard! Fri Jan 13 09:36:50 EST 2006: [SERVER]: Returning the following message back to the client: Received your welcome message. Thank you!
At this point, try stopping the SimpleDetectorServer (notice that the SimpleDetectorClient should still be running). After a few seconds, the client detector should detect that the server is no longer available and will see something like the following appended in the SimpleDetectorClient console window:
Fri Jan 13 09:37:04 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: GOT A NETWORK-REGISTRY NOTIFICATION: Fri Jan 13 09:37:04 EST 2006: [CLIENT]: It has been detected that a server has gone down with a locator of: InvokerLocator [socket://]
The callback sample (found in the org.jboss.remoting.samples.callback package) illustrates how to perform callbacks from a remoting server to a remoting client. This example is composed of two classes; CallbackClient and CallbackServer.
Within remoting, there are two approaches in which a callback can be received. The first is to actively ask for callback messages from the remoting server, which is called a pull callback (since are pulling the callbacks from the server). The second is to have the server send the callbacks to the client as they are generated, which is called a push callback. This sample demonstrates how to do both pull and push callbacks.
Looking at the CallbackClient class, will see that the first thing done is to create a remoting Client, which is done in the same manner as previous examples. Next, we'll perform a pull callback, which requires the creation of a CallbackHandler. The CallbackHandler, which implements the InvokerCallbackHandler interface, is what is called upon with a Callback object when a callback is received. The Callback object contains information such as the callback message (in Object form), the server locator from where the callback originally came from, and a handle object which can help to identify callback context (similar to the handle object within a JMX Notification). Once created, the CallbackHandler is then registered as a listener within the Client. This will cause the client to make a call to the server to notify the server it has a callback listener (more on this below in the server section). Although the CallbackHandler is not called upon directly when doing pull callbacks, it is needed as an identifier for the callbacks.
Then the client will wait a few seconds, make a simple invocation on the server, and then call on the remoting Client instance to get any callbacks that may be available for our CallbackHandler. This will return a list of callbacks, if any exist. The list will be iterated and each callback will be printed to standard output. Finally, the callback handler will be removed as a listener from the remoting Client (which in turns removes it from the remoting server).
After performing a pull callback, will perform a push callback. This is a little more involved as requires creating a callback server to which the remoting target server can callback on when it generates a callback message. To do this, will need to create a remoting Connector, just as have seen in previous examples. For this particular example, we use the same locator url as our target remoting server, but increment the port to listen on by one. Will also notice that use the SampleInvocationHandler hander from the CallbackServer (more in this in a minute). After creating our callback server, a CallbackHandler and callback handle object is created. Next, remoting Client is called to add our callback listener. Here we pass not only the CallbackHandler, but the InvokerLocator for the callback server (so the target server will know where to deliver callback messages to), and the callback handle object (which will be included in all the callback messages delivered for this particular callback listener).
Then the client will wait a few seconds, to allow the target server time to generate and deliver callback messages. After that, we remove the callback listener and clean up our callback server.
The CallbackServer is pretty much the same as the previous samples in setting up the remoting server, via the Connector. The biggest change resides in the ServerInvocationHandler implementation, SampleInvocationHandler (which is an inner class to CallbackServer). The first thing to notice is now have a variable called listeners, which is a List to hold any callback listeners that get registered. Also, in the constructor of the SampleInvocationHandler, we set up a new thread to run in the background. This thread, executing the run() method in SampleInvocationHandler, will continually loop looking to see if the shouldGenerateCallbacks has been set. If it has been, will create a Callback object and loop through its list of listeners and tell each listener to handle the newly created callback. Have also added implementation to the addListener() and removeListener() methods where will either add or remove specified callback listener from the internal callback listener list and set the shouldGenerateCallbacks flag accordingly. The invoke() method remains the same as in previous samples.
To run this example, can compile both the CallbackClient and CallbackServer class, then run the CallbackServer and then the CallbackClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-callback-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'run-callback-client. For example:
ant run-callback-server
and then:
ant run-callback-client
The output in the CallbackClient console window should look like:
Calling remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Invocation response: This is the return to SampleInvocationHandler invocation Pull Callback value = Callback 1: This is the payload of callback invocation. Pull Callback value = Callback 2: This is the payload of callback invocation. Starting remoting server with locator uri of: InvokerLocator [socket://] Received push callback. Received callback value of: Callback 3: This is the payload of callback invocation. Received callback handle object of: myCallbackHandleObject Received callback server invoker of: InvokerLocator [socket://] Received push callback. Received callback value of: Callback 4: This is the payload of callback invocation. Received callback handle object of: myCallbackHandleObject Received callback server invoker of: InvokerLocator [socket://]
This output shows that client first pulled two callbacks generated from the server. Then, after creating and registering our second callback handler and a callback server, two callbacks were received from the target server.
The output in the CallbackServer console window should look like:
Starting remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Adding callback listener. Invocation request is: Do something Removing callback listener. Adding callback listener. Removing callback listener.
This output shows two distinct callback handlers being added and removed (with an invocation request being received after the first was added).
There are a few important points to mention about this example. First, notice that in the client, the same callback handle object in the push callbacks was received as was registered with the callback listener. However, there was no special code required to facilitate this within the SampleInvocationHandler. This is handled within remoting automatically. Also notice when the callback server was created within the client, no special coding was required to register the callback handler with it, both were simply passed to the remoting Client instance when registering the callback listener and was handled internally.
The bisocket example shows how to set up push callbacks with the bisocket transport, using its facility for avoiding the use of a ServerSocket and TCP port on the client. The key section is
HashMap metadata = new HashMap(); metadata.put(Bisocket.IS_CALLBACK_SERVER, "true"); TestCallbackHandler callbackHandler = new TestCallbackHandler(); client.addListener(callbackHandler, metadata);
which configures the callback Connector appropriately.
To run the example, type
ant run-bisocket-server
in one window, and type
ant run-bisocket-client
in another window.
The streaning sample (found in the package) illustrates how a can be sent from a client and read on demand from a server. This example is composed of two classes: StreamingClient and StreamingServer.
Unlike the previous examples that sent plain old java objects as the payload, this example will be sending a as the payload to the server. This is a special case because streams can not be serialized. One approach to this might be to write out the contents of a stream to a byte buffer and send the whole data content to the server. However, this approach can be dangerous because if the data content of the stream is large, such as an 800MB file, would run the risk of causing an out of memory error (since are loading all 800MB into memory). Another approach, which is used by JBossRemoting, is to create a proxy to the original stream. This proxy can then be called upon for reading, same as the original stream. When this happens, the proxy will call back the original stream for the requested data.
Looking at the StreamingClient, the remoting Client is created as in previous samples. Next, will create a to the sample.txt file on disk (which is in the same directory as the test classes). Finally, will call the remoting Client to do its invocation, passing the new FileInputStream and the name of the file. The second parameter could be of any Object type and is meant to supply some meaningful context to the server in regards to the stream being passed, such as the file name to use when writing to disk on the server side. The response from the server, in this example, is the size of the file it wrote to disk.
The StreamingServer sets up the remoting server as was done in previous examples. However, instead of using an implementation of the ServerInvocationHandler class as the server handler, an implementation of the StreamInvocationHandler (which extends the ServerInvocationHandler) is used. The StreamInvocationHandler includes an extra method called handleStream() especially for processing requests with a stream as the payload. In this example, the class implementing the StreamInvocationHandler is the TestStreamInvocationHandler class, which is an inner class to the StreamingServer. The handleStream() method within the TestStreamInvocationHandler will use the stream passed to it to write out its contents to a file on disk, as specified by the second parameter passed to the handleStream() method. Upon writing out the file to disk, the handleStream() method will return to the client caller the size of the file.
To run this example, can compile both the StreamingClient and StreamingServer class, then run the StreamingServer and then the StreamingClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-stream-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'run-stream-client'. For example:
ant run-stream-server
and then:
ant run-stream-client
The output in the StreamingClient console window should look like:
Calling on remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Sending input stream for file sample.txt to server. Size of file sample.txt is 987 Server returned 987 as the size of the file read.
The output in the StreamingServer console window should look like:
Starting remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400 Received input stream from client to write out to file server_sample.txt Read stream of size 987. Now writing to server_sample.txt New file server_sample.txt has been written out to C:\tmp\JBossRemoting_1_4_0_final\examples\server_sample.txt
After running this example, there should be a newly created server_sample.txt file in the root examples directory. The contents of the file should look exactly like the contents of the sample.txt file located in the examples\org\jboss\remoting\samples\stream directory.
The serialization sample (found in the org.jboss.remoting.samples.serialization package) illustrates how JBoss Serialization can be used in place of the standard java serialization to allow for sending of invocation payload objects that do not implement the interface. This example is composed of three classes: SerializationClient, SerializationServer, and NonSerializablePayload.
This example is exactly like the one from the simple example with two differences. The first difference is the use of JBoss Serialization to convert object instances to binary data format for wire transfer. This is accomplished by adding an extra parameter (serializationtype) to the locator url with a value of 'jboss'. Is important to note that use of JBoss Serialization requires JDK 1.5, so this example will need to be run using JDK 1.5. The second difference is instead of sending and receiving a simple String type for the remote invocation payload, will be sending and receiving an instance of the NonSerializablePayload class.
There are a few important points to notice with the NonSerializablePayload class. The first is that it does NOT implement the interface. The second is that it has a void parameter constructor. This is a requirement of JBoss Serialization for object instances that do not implement the Serializable interface. However, this void parameter constructor can be private, as in the case of NonSerializablePayload, as to not change the external API of the class.
To run this example, can compile both the SerializationClient and SerializationServer class, then run the SerializationServer and then the SerializationClient. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-serialization-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'run-serialization-client'. For example:
ant run-serialization-server
and then:
ant run-serialization-client
The output in the SerializationClient console window should look like:
Calling remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400/?serializationtype=jboss Invoking server with request of 'NonSerializablePayload - name: foo, id: 1' Invocation response: NonSerializablePayload - name: bar, id: 2
The output in the SerializationServer console window should look like:
Starting remoting server with locator uri of: socket://localhost:5400/?serializationtype=jboss Invocation request is: NonSerializablePayload - name: foo, id: 1 Returning response of: NonSerializablePayload - name: bar, id: 2
Note: will have to manually shut down the SerializationServer once started.
There are many ways in which to expose a remote interface to a java object. Some require a complex framework API based on a standard specification and some require new technologies like annotations and AOP. Each of these have their own benefits. JBoss Remoting transporters provide the same behavior via a simple API without the need for any of the newer technologies.
When boiled down, transporters take a plain old java object (POJO) and expose a remote proxy to it via JBoss Remoting. Dynamic proxies and reflection are used to make the typed method calls on that target POJO. Since JBoss Remoting is used, can select from a number of different network transports (i.e. rmi, http, socket, etc.), including support for SSL. Even clustering features can be included.
In this section will discuss how remoting transporters can be used, some requirments for usage, and a little detail on the implementation. For greater breath on usage, please review the transporter samples as most use cases are covered there.
To start, will need to have a plain old java object that implements one or more interfaces that want to expose for remote method invocation. Then will need to create a org.jboss.remoting.transporter.TransporterServer to wrap around it, so that can be exposed remotely. This can be done in one of two basic ways. The first is to use a static createTransporterServer() method of the TransporterServer class. There are many of these create methods, but all basically do that same thing in that they take a remoting locator and target pojo and will return a TransporterServer instance that has been started and ready to receive remote invocations (see javadoc for TransporterServer for all the different static createTransporterServer() methods). The other way to create a TransporterServer for the target pojo is to construct an instance of it. This provides a little more flexibility as are able to control more aspects of the TransporterServer, such as when it will be started.
When a TransporterServer is created, it will create a remoting Connector using the locator provided. It will generate a server invocation handler that wraps the target pojo provided and use reflection to make the calls on it based on the invocations it receives from clients. By default, the subsystem underwhich the server invocation handler is registered is the interface class name for which the target pojo is exposing. If the target implements multiple interfaces, and a specific one to use is not specified, all the interfaces will be registered as subsystems for the same server invocation handler. Whenever no long want the target pojo to receive remote method invocations, will need to call the stop() method on the TransporterServer for the target pojo (this is very important, as otherwise will never be released from memory and will continue to consume network and memory resources).
On the client side, in order to be able to call on the target pojo remotely, will need to use the org.jboss.remoting.transporter.TransporterClient. Unlike the TransporterServer, can only use the static create methods of the TransporterClient (this is because the return to the static create method is a typed dynamic proxy). The static method to call on the TransportClient is createTransporterClient(), where will pass the locator to find the target pojo (same as one used when creating the TransporterServer) and the interface for the target pojo that want to make remote method invocations on. The return from this create call will be a dynamic proxy which you can cast to to same interface type supplied. At that point, can make typed method invocations on the returned object, which will then make the remote invocations under the covers. Note that can have multiple transporter clients to the same target pojo, each using different interface types for making calls.
When no longer need to make invocations on the target pojo, the resources associated with the remoting client will need to be cleaned up. This is done by calling the destroyTransporterClient() method of the TransporterClient. This is important to remember to do, as will otherwise leave network resources active even though not in use.
One of the features of using remoting transporters is location transparency. By this mean that client proxies returned by the TransporterClient can be passed over the network. For example, can have a target pojo that returns from a method call a client proxy (that it created using the TransporterClient) in which the client can call on directly as well. See the transporter proxy sample code to see how this can be done.
Another nice feature when using transporters is the ability to cluster. To be more specific, can create multiple target pojos using the TransporterServer in clustered mode and then use the TransporterClient in clustered mode to create a client proxy that will discover the location of the target pojos are wanting to call on. Will also provide automatic, seemless failover of remote method invocations in the case that a particular target pojo instance fails. However, note that only provide invocation failover and does not take into account state transfer between target pojos (would need addition of JBoss Cache or some other state synchronization tool).
The transporter sample spans several examples showing different ways to use the transporter. Each specific example is within its own package under the org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter package. Since each of the transporter examples includes common objects, as well as client and server classes, the common objects will be found under the main transporter sub-package and the client and server classes in their respective sub-packages (named client and server).
The simple transporter example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.simple package) demonstrates a very simple example of how to use the transporters to expose a plain old java object for remote method invocations.
In this simple transporter example, will be taking a class that formats a java.util.Date into a simple String representation and exposing it so can call on the remotely. The target object in this case, org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.simple.DateProcessorImpl, implements the org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.simple.DateProcessor interfaces (as shown below):
public interface DateProcessor { public String formatDate(Date dateToConvert); } public class DateProcessorImpl implements DateProcessor { public String formatDate(Date dateToConvert) { DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); return dateFormat.format(dateToConvert); } }
This is then exposed using the TransporterServer by the org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.simple.Server class.
public class Server { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TransporterServer server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer("socket://localhost:5400", new DateProcessorImpl(), DateProcessor.class.getName()); Thread.sleep(10000); server.stop(); } }
The Server class simply creates a TransporterServer by indicating the locator url would like to use for the remoting server, a newly created instance of DataProcessorImpl, and the interface type would like to expose remotely. The TransporterServer returned from the createTransporterServer call is live and ready to receive incoming method invocation requests. Will then wait 10 seconds for a request, then stop the server.
Next need to have client to make the remote invocation. This can be found within org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.simple.Client.
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DateProcessor dateProcessor = (DateProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient("socket://localhost:5400", DateProcessor.class); String formattedDate = dateProcessor.formatDate(new Date()); System.out.println("Current date: " + formattedDate); } }
In the Client class, create a TransporterClient which can be cast to the desired type, which is DataProcessor in this case. In calling the createTransporterClient, need to specify the locator ulr (same as was used for the TransporterServer), and the interface type will be calling on for the target pojo. Once have the DateProcessor variable, will make the call to formatDate() and pass a newly created Date object. The return will be a formated String of the date passed.
To run this example, can run the Server and then the Client. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-transporter-simple-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'run-transporter-simple-client'. For example:
ant run-transporter-simple-server
and then:
ant run-transporter-simple-client
The output from the client window should look similar to:
Current date: Jul 31, 2006
The basic transporter example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.basic package) illustrates how to build a simple transporter for making remote invocations on plain old java objects.
In this basic transporter example, will be using a few domain objects; Customer and Address, which are just data objects.
public class Customer implements Serializable
private String firstName = null;
private String lastName = null;
private Address addr = null;
private int customerId = -1;
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName)
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName)
this.lastName = lastName;
public Address getAddr()
return addr;
public void setAddr(Address addr)
this.addr = addr;
public int getCustomerId()
return customerId;
public void setCustomerId(int customerId)
this.customerId = customerId;
public String toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("customer id: " + customerId + "\n");
buffer.append("first name: " + firstName + "\n");
buffer.append("last name: " + lastName + "\n");
buffer.append("street: " + addr.getStreet() + "\n");
buffer.append("city: " + addr.getCity() + "\n");
buffer.append("state: " + addr.getState() + "\n");
buffer.append("zip: " + addr.getZip() + "\n");
return buffer.toString();
public class Address implements Serializable
private String street = null;
private String city = null;
private String state = null;
private int zip = -1;
public String getStreet()
return street;
public void setStreet(String street)
this.street = street;
public String getCity()
return city;
public void setCity(String city)
{ = city;
public String getState()
return state;
public void setState(String state)
this.state = state;
public int getZip()
return zip;
public void setZip(int zip)
{ = zip;
Next comes the POJO that we want to expose a remote proxy for, which is CustomerProcessorImpl class. This implementation has one method to process a Customer object. It also implements the CustomerProcessor interface.
public class CustomerProcessorImpl implements CustomerProcessor { /** * Takes the customer passed, and if not null and customer id * is less than 0, will create a new random id and set it. * The customer object returned will be the modified customer * object passed. * * @param customer * @return */ public Customer processCustomer(Customer customer) { if(customer != null && customer.getCustomerId() < 0) { customer.setCustomerId(new Random().nextInt(1000)); } System.out.println("processed customer with new id of " + customer.getCustomerId()); return customer; } }
public interface CustomerProcessor
* Process a customer object. Implementors
* should ensure that the customer object
* passed as parameter should have its internal
* state changed somehow and returned.
* @param customer
* @return
public Customer processCustomer(Customer customer);
So far, nothing special, just plain old java objects. Next need to create the server component that will listen for remote request to invoke on the target POJO. This is where the transporter comes in.
public class Server { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; private TransporterServer server = null; public void start() throws Exception { server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer(locatorURI, new CustomerProcessorImpl()); } public void stop() { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Server server = new Server(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
The Server class is a pretty simple one. It calls the TransporterServer factory method to create the server component for the CustomerProcessorImpl instance using the specified remoting locator information.
The TransporterServer returned from the createTransporterServer() call will be a running instance of a remoting server using the socket transport that is bound to localhost and listening for remote requests on port 5400. The requests that come in will be forwarded to the remoting handler which will convert them into direct method calls on the target POJO, CustomerProcessorImpl in this case, using reflection.
The TransporterServer has a start() and stop() method exposed to control when to start and stop the running of the remoting server. The start() method is called automatically within the createTransporterServer() method, so is ready to receive requests upon the return of this method. The stop() method, however, needs to be called explicitly when no longer wish to receive remote calls on the target POJO.
Next up is the client side. This is represented by the Client class.
public class Client { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; public void makeClientCall() throws Exception { Customer customer = createCustomer(); CustomerProcessor customerProcessor = (CustomerProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, CustomerProcessor.class); System.out.println("Customer to be processed: " + customer); Customer processedCustomer = customerProcessor.processCustomer(customer); System.out.println("Customer is now: " + processedCustomer); TransporterClient.destroyTransporterClient(customerProcessor); } private Customer createCustomer() { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.setFirstName("Bob"); cust.setLastName("Smith"); Address addr = new Address(); addr.setStreet("101 Oak Street"); addr.setCity("Atlanata"); addr.setState("GA"); addr.setZip(30249); cust.setAddr(addr); return cust; } public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = new Client(); try { client.makeClientCall(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
The Client class is also pretty simple. It creates a new Customer object instance, creates the remote proxy to the CustomerProcessor, and then calls on the CustomerProcessor to process its new Customer instance.
To get the remote proxy for the CustomerProcessor, all that is required is to call the TransporterClient's method createTransporterClient() method and pass the locator uri and the type of the remote proxy (and explicitly cast the return to that type). This will create a dynamic proxy for the specified type, CustomerProcessor in this case, which is backed by a remoting client which in turn makes the calls to the remote POJO's remoting server. Once the call to createTransportClient() has returned, the remoting client has already made its connection to the remoting server and is ready to make calls (will throw an exception if it could not connect to the specified remoting server).
When finished making calls on the remote POJO proxy, will need to explicitly destroy the client by calling destroyTransporterClient() and pass the remote proxy instance. This allows the remoting client to disconnect from the POJO's remoting server and clean up any network resources previously used.
To run this example, can run the Server and then the Client. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'run-transporter-basic-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'run-transporter-basic-client'. For example:
ant run-transporter-basic-server
and then:
ant run-transporter-basic-client
The output from the Client console should be similar to:
Customer to be processed: Customer: customer id: -1 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanata state: GA zip: 30249 Customer is now: Customer: customer id: 204 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanata state: GA zip: 30249
and the output from the Server class should be similar to:
processed customer with new id of 204
The output shows that the Customer instance created on the client was sent to the server where it was processed (by setting the customer id to 204) and returned to the client (and printed out showing that the customer id was set to 204).
The transporter serialization example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.serialization package) is very similar to the previous basic example, except in this one, the domain objects being sent over the wire will NOT be Serializable. This is accomplished via the use of JBoss Serialization. This can be useful when don't know which domain objects you may be using in remote calls or if adding ability for remote calls on legacy code.
To start, there are a few more domain objects: Order, OrderProcessor, and OrderProcessorImpl. These will use some of the domain objects from the previous example as well, such as Customer.
public class Order
private int orderId = -1;
private boolean isProcessed = false;
private Customer customer = null;
private List items = null;
public int getOrderId()
return orderId;
public void setOrderId(int orderId)
this.orderId = orderId;
public boolean isProcessed()
return isProcessed;
public void setProcessed(boolean processed)
isProcessed = processed;
public Customer getCustomer()
return customer;
public void setCustomer(Customer customer)
this.customer = customer;
public List getItems()
return items;
public void setItems(List items)
this.items = items;
public String toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("\nIs processed: " + isProcessed);
buffer.append("\nOrder id: " + orderId);
buffer.append("\nItems ordered:");
Iterator itr = items.iterator();
buffer.append("\n" +;
return buffer.toString();
public class OrderProcessorImpl implements OrderProcessor { private CustomerProcessor customerProcessor = null; public OrderProcessorImpl() { customerProcessor = new CustomerProcessorImpl(); } public Order processOrder(Order order) { System.out.println("Incoming order to process from customer.\n" + order.getCustomer()); // has this customer been processed? if(order.getCustomer().getCustomerId() < 0) { order.setCustomer(customerProcessor.processCustomer(order.getCustomer())); } List items = order.getItems(); System.out.println("Items ordered:"); Iterator itr = items.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } order.setOrderId(new Random().nextInt(1000)); order.setProcessed(true); System.out.println("Order processed. Order id now: " + order.getOrderId()); return order; } }
public interface OrderProcessor { public Order processOrder(Order order); }
The OrderProcessorImpl will take orders, via the processOrder() method, check that the customer for the order has been processed, and if not have the customer processor process the new customer. Then will place the order, which means will just set the order id and processed attribute to true.
The most important point to this example is that the Order class does NOT implement
Now onto the Server class. This is just like the previous Server class in the basic example with one main difference: the locatorURI value.
public class Server { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400/?serializationtype=jboss"; private TransporterServer server = null; public void start() throws Exception { server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer(locatorURI, new OrderProcessorImpl()); } public void stop() { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Server server = new Server(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
The addition of serializationtype=jboss tells the remoting framework to use JBoss Serialization in place of the standard java serialization.
On the client side, there is the Client class, just as in the previous basic example.
public class Client { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400/?serializationtype=jboss"; public void makeClientCall() throws Exception { Order order = createOrder(); OrderProcessor orderProcessor = (OrderProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, OrderProcessor.class); System.out.println("Order to be processed: " + order); Order changedOrder = orderProcessor.processOrder(order); System.out.println("Order now processed " + changedOrder); TransporterClient.destroyTransporterClient(orderProcessor); } private Order createOrder() { Order order = new Order(); Customer customer = createCustomer(); order.setCustomer(customer); List items = new ArrayList(); items.add("Xbox 360"); items.add("Wireless controller"); items.add("Ghost Recon 3"); order.setItems(items); return order; } private Customer createCustomer() { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.setFirstName("Bob"); cust.setLastName("Smith"); Address addr = new Address(); addr.setStreet("101 Oak Street"); addr.setCity("Atlanata"); addr.setState("GA"); addr.setZip(30249); cust.setAddr(addr); return cust; } public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = new Client(); try { client.makeClientCall(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Again, the biggest difference to note is that have added serializationtype=jboss to the locator uri.
Note: Running this example requires JDK 1.5.
To run this example, can run the Server and then the Client. Or can go to the examples directory and run the ant target 'ant run-transporter-serialization-server' and then in another window run the ant target 'ant run-transporter-serialization-client'. For example:
ant run-transporter-serialization-server
and then:
ant run-transporter-serialization-client
When the server and client are run the output for the Client class is:
Order to be processed: Order: Is processed: false Order id: -1 Customer: customer id: -1 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanata state: GA zip: 30249 Items ordered: Xbox 360 Wireless controller Ghost Recon 3 Order now processed Order: Is processed: true Order id: 221 Customer: customer id: 861 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanata state: GA zip: 30249 Items ordered: Xbox 360 Wireless controller Ghost Recon 3
The client output shows the printout of the newly created order before calling the OrderProcessor and then the processed order afterwards. Noticed that the processed order has its customer's id set, its order id set and the processed attribute is set to true.
And the output from the Server is:
Incoming order to process from customer. Customer: customer id: -1 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanata state: GA zip: 30249 processed customer with new id of 861 Items ordered: Xbox 360 Wireless controller Ghost Recon 3 Order processed. Order id now: 221
The server output shows the printout of the customer before being processed and then the order while being processed.
In the previous examples, there has been one and only one target POJO to make calls upon. If that target POJO was not available, the client call would fail. In the transporter clustered example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.clustered package), will show how to use the transporter in clustered mode so that if one target POJO becomes unavailable, the client call can be seamlessly failed over to another available target POJO on the network, regardless of network transport type.
This example uses the domain objects from the first, basic example, so only need to cover the client and server code. For this example, there are three different server classes. The first class is the SocketServer class, which is the exact same as the Server class in the basic example, except for the call to the TransportServer's createTransportServer() method.
public class SocketServer { public static String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; private TransporterServer server = null; public void start() throws Exception { server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer(getLocatorURI(), new CustomerProcessorImpl(), CustomerProcessor.class.getName(), true); } protected String getLocatorURI() { return locatorURI; } public void stop() { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { SocketServer server = new SocketServer(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
Notice that are now calling on the TransportServer to create a server with the locator uri and target POJO (CustomerProcessorImpl) as before, but have also added the interface type of the target POJO (CustomerProcessor) and that want clustering turned on (via the last true parameter).
The interface type of the target POJO is needed because this will be used as the subsystem within the remoting server for the target POJO. The subsystem value will be what the client uses to determine if discovered remoting server is for the target POJO they are looking for.
The second server class is the RMIServer class. The RMIServer class extends the SocketServer class and uses a different locator uri to specify rmi as the transport protocol and a different port (5500).
public class RMIServer extends SocketServer { private String localLocatorURI = "rmi://localhost:5500"; protected String getLocatorURI() { return localLocatorURI; } public static void main(String[] args) { SocketServer server = new RMIServer(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
The last server class is the HTTPServer class. The HTTPServer class also extends the SocketServer class and specifies http as the transport protocol and 5600 as the port to listen for requests on.
public class HTTPServer extends SocketServer { private String localLocatorURI = "http://localhost:5600"; protected String getLocatorURI() { return localLocatorURI; } public static void main(String[] args) { SocketServer server = new HTTPServer(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
On the client side, there is only the Client class. This class is very similar to the one from the basic example. The main exceptions are (1) the addition of a TransporterClient call to create a transporter client and (2) the fact that it continually loops, making calls on its customerProcessor variable to process customers. This is done so that when we run the client, we can kill the different servers and see that the client continues to loop making its calls without any exceptions or errors.
public class Client { private String locatorURI = SocketServer.locatorURI; private CustomerProcessor customerProcessor = null; public void makeClientCall() throws Exception { Customer customer = createCustomer(); System.out.println("Customer to be processed: " + customer); Customer processedCustomer = customerProcessor.processCustomer(customer); System.out.println("Customer is now: " + processedCustomer); //TransporterClient.destroyTransporterClient(customerProcessor); } public void getCustomerProcessor() throws Exception { customerProcessor = (CustomerProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, CustomerProcessor.class, true); } private Customer createCustomer() { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.setFirstName("Bob"); cust.setLastName("Smith"); Address addr = new Address(); addr.setStreet("101 Oak Street"); addr.setCity("Atlanata"); addr.setState("GA"); addr.setZip(30249); cust.setAddr(addr); return cust; } public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = new Client(); try { client.getCustomerProcessor(); while(true) { try { client.makeClientCall(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
The first item of note is that the locator uri from the SocketServer class is being used. Technically, this is not required as once the clustered TransporterClient is started, it will start to discover the remoting servers that exist on the network. However, this process can take several seconds to occur, so unless it is known that no calls will be made on the remote proxy right away, it is best to bootstrap with a known target server.
Can also see that in the main() method, the first call on the Client instance is to getCustomerProcessor(). This method will call the TransporterClient's createTransporterClient() method and passes the locator uri for the target POJO server, the type of POJO's remote proxy, and that clustering should be enabled.
After getting the customer processor remote proxy, will continually loop making calls using the remote proxy (via the processCustomer() method on the customerProcessor variable).
To run this example, all the servers need to be started (by running the SocketServer, RMIServer, and HTTPServer classes). Then run the Client class. This can be done via ant targets as well. So for example, could open four console windows and enter the ant targets as follows:
ant run-transporter-clustered-socket-server
ant run-transporter-clustered-http-server
ant run-transporter-clustered-rmi-server
ant run-transporter-clustered-client
Once the client starts running, should start to see output logged to the SocketServer, since this is the one used to bootstrap. This output would look like:
processed customer with new id of 378 processed customer with new id of 487 processed customer with new id of 980
Once the SocketServer instance has received a few calls, kill this instance. The next time the client makes a call on its remote proxy, which happens every five seconds, it should fail over to another one of the servers (and will see similar output on that server instance). After that server has received a few calls, kill it and should see it fail over once again to the last server instance that is still running. Then, if kill that server instance, will see a CannotConnectException and stack trace similar to the following:
org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException: Can not connect http client invoker.
at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.useHttpURLConnection(
at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.transport(
at org.jboss.remoting.RemoteClientInvoker.invoke(
at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
at org.jboss.remoting.transporter.TransporterClient.invoke(
at $Proxy0.processCustomer(Unknown Source)
at org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter3.client.Client.makeClientCall(
at org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter3.client.Client.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(
Caused by: Connection refused: connect
at Method)
at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.useHttpURLConnection(
... 14 more
since there are no target servers left to make calls on. Notice that earlier in the client output there were no errors while was failing over to the different servers as they were being killed.
Because the CannotConnectException is being caught within the while loop, the client will continue to try calling the remote proxy and getting this exception. Now re-run any of the previously killed servers and will see that the client will discover that server instance and begin to successfully call on that server. The output should look something like:
... at at at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.useHttpURLConnection( ... 14 more Customer to be processed: Customer: customer id: -1 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Stree city: Atlanata state: null zip: 30249 Customer is now: Customer: customer id: 633 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Stree city: Atlanata state: null zip: 30249 ...
The multiple transporter example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.multiple package) shows how can have a multiple target pojos exposed via the same TransporterServer. In this example, will be two pojos being exposed, CustomerProcessorImpl and AccountProcessorImpl. Since the domain objects for this example is similar to the others discussed in previous examples, will just focus on the server and client code. On the server side, need to create the TransporterServer so that will included both of the target pojos.
public class Server { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; private TransporterServer server = null; public void start() throws Exception { server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer(locatorURI, new CustomerProcessorImpl(), CustomerProcessor.class.getName()); server.addHandler(new AccountProcessorImpl(), AccountProcessor.class.getName()); } public void stop() { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Server server = new Server(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
The TransporterServer is created with the CustomerProcessorImpl as the inital target pojo. Now that have a live TransporterServer, can add other pojos as targets. This is done using the addHandler() method where the target pojo instance is passed and then the interface type to be exposed as.
Next have the Client that makes the call to both pojos.
public class Client { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; public void makeClientCall() throws Exception { Customer customer = createCustomer(); CustomerProcessor customerProcessor = (CustomerProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, CustomerProcessor.class); System.out.println("Customer to be processed: " + customer); Customer processedCustomer = customerProcessor.processCustomer(customer); System.out.println("Customer is now: " + processedCustomer); AccountProcessor accountProcessor = (AccountProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, AccountProcessor.class); System.out.println("Asking for a new account to be created for customer."); Account account = accountProcessor.createAccount(processedCustomer); System.out.println("New account: " + account); TransporterClient.destroyTransporterClient(customerProcessor); TransporterClient.destroyTransporterClient(accountProcessor); } private Customer createCustomer() { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.setFirstName("Bob"); cust.setLastName("Smith"); Address addr = new Address(); addr.setStreet("101 Oak Street"); addr.setCity("Atlanta"); addr.setState("GA"); addr.setZip(30249); cust.setAddr(addr); return cust; } public static void main(String[] args) { org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.multiple.client.Client client = new org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.multiple.client.Client(); try { client.makeClientCall(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Notice that TransporterClients are created for each target pojo want to call upon, they just happen to share the same locator uri. These are independant instances so need to both be destroyed on their own when finished with them.
To run this example, run the Server class and then the Client class. This can be done via ant targets 'run-transporter-multiple-server' and then 'run-transporter-multiple-client'. For example:
ant run-transporter-multiple-server
and then:
ant run-transporter-multiple-client
The output for the server should look similar to:
processed customer with new id of 980 Created new account with account number: 1 and for customer: Customer: customer id: 980 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30249
and the output from the client should look similar to:
Customer to be processed: Customer: customer id: -1 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30249 Customer is now: Customer: customer id: 980 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30249 Asking for a new account to be created for customer. New account: Account - account number: 1 Customer: Customer: customer id: 980 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30249
The proxy transporter example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.proxy package) shows how can have a TransporterClient sent over the network and called upon. In this example, will have a target pojo, CustomerProcessorImpl which itself creates a TransporterClient to another target pojo, Customer, and return it as response to a method invocation.
To start, will look at the initial target pojo, CustomerProcessorImpl.
public class CustomerProcessorImpl implements CustomerProcessor { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5401"; /** * Takes the customer passed, and if not null and customer id * is less than 0, will create a new random id and set it. * The customer object returned will be the modified customer * object passed. * * @param customer * @return */ public ICustomer processCustomer(Customer customer) { if (customer != null && customer.getCustomerId() < 0) { customer.setCustomerId(new Random().nextInt(1000)); } ICustomer customerProxy = null; try { TransporterServer server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer(locatorURI, customer, ICustomer.class.getName()); customerProxy = (ICustomer) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, ICustomer.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("processed customer with new id of " + customerProxy.getCustomerId()); return customerProxy; } }
Notice that the processCustomer() method will take a Customer object and set customer id on it. Then it will create a TransporterServer for that customer instance and also create a TransporterClient for the same instance and return that TransporterClient proxy as the return to the processCustomer() method.
Next will look at the Customer class. It is a basic data object in that is really just stores the customer data.
public class Customer implements Serializable, ICustomer { private String firstName = null; private String lastName = null; private Address addr = null; private int customerId = -1; public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public Address getAddr() { return addr; } public void setAddr(Address addr) { this.addr = addr; } public int getCustomerId() { return customerId; } public void setCustomerId(int customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } public String toString() { System.out.println("Customer.toString() being called."); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("\nCustomer:\n"); buffer.append("customer id: " + customerId + "\n"); buffer.append("first name: " + firstName + "\n"); buffer.append("last name: " + lastName + "\n"); buffer.append("street: " + addr.getStreet() + "\n"); buffer.append("city: " + addr.getCity() + "\n"); buffer.append("state: " + addr.getState() + "\n"); buffer.append("zip: " + addr.getZip() + "\n"); return buffer.toString(); } }
Notice the toString() method and how it prints out to the standard out when being called. This will be important when the sample is run later.
Now if look at the Server class, will see is a standard setup like have seen in previous samples.
public class Server { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; private TransporterServer server = null; public void start() throws Exception { server = TransporterServer.createTransporterServer(locatorURI, new CustomerProcessorImpl(), CustomerProcessor.class.getName()); } public void stop() { if (server != null) { server.stop(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Server server = new Server(); try { server.start(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(60000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } }
It is creating a TransporterServer for the CustomerProcessImpl upon being started and will wait 60 seconds for invocations.
Next is the Client class.
public class Client { private String locatorURI = "socket://localhost:5400"; public void makeClientCall() throws Exception { Customer customer = createCustomer(); CustomerProcessor customerProcessor = (CustomerProcessor) TransporterClient.createTransporterClient(locatorURI, CustomerProcessor.class); System.out.println("Customer to be processed: " + customer); ICustomer processedCustomer = customerProcessor.processCustomer(customer); // processedCustomer returned is actually a proxy to the Customer instnace // that lives on the server. So when print it out below, will actually // be calling back to the server to get the string (vi toString() call). // Notice the output of 'Customer.toString() being called.' on the server side. System.out.println("Customer is now: " + processedCustomer); TransporterClient.destroyTransporterClient(customerProcessor); } private Customer createCustomer() { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.setFirstName("Bob"); cust.setLastName("Smith"); Address addr = new Address(); addr.setStreet("101 Oak Street"); addr.setCity("Atlanta"); addr.setState("GA"); addr.setZip(30249); cust.setAddr(addr); return cust; } public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = new Client(); try { client.makeClientCall(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
The client class looks similar to the other example seen in that it creates a TransporterClient for the CustomerProcessor and calls on it to process the customer. Will then call on the ICustomer instance returned from the processCustomer() method call and call toString() on it (in the system out call).
To run this example, run the Server class and then the Client class. This can be done via ant targets 'run-transporter-proxy-server' and then 'run-transporter-proxy-client'. For example:
ant run-transporter-proxy-server
ant then:
ant run-transporter-proxy-client
The output for the client should look similar to:
Customer.toString() being called. Customer to be processed: Customer: customer id: -1 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30249 Customer is now: Customer: customer id: 418 first name: Bob last name: Smith street: 101 Oak Street city: Atlanta state: GA zip: 30249
The first line is the print out from calling the Customer's toString() method that was created to be passed to the CustomerProcessor's processCustomer() method. Then the contents of the Customer object before being processed. Then have the print out of the customer after has been processed. Notice that when the ICustomer object instance is printed out the second time, do not see the 'Customer.toString() being called'. This is because that code is no longer being executed in the client vm, but instead is a remote call to the customer instance living on the server (remember, the processCustomer() method returned a TransporterClient proxy to the customer living on the server side).
Now, if look at output from the server will look similar to:
processed customer with new id of 418 Customer.toString() being called.
Notice that the 'Customer.toString() being called.' printed out at the end. This is the result of the client's call to print out the contents of the customer object returned from the processCustomer() method, which actually lives within the server vm.
This example has shown how can pass around TransporterClient proxies to target pojos. However, when doing this, is important to understand where the code is actually being executed as there are consequences to being remote verse local, which need to be understood.
The complex transporter example (found in org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.complex package) is based off a test case a user, Milt Grinberg, provided (thanks Milt). The example is similar to the previous examples, except in this case involves matching Doctors and Patients using the ProviderInterface and provides a more complex sample in which to demonstrate how to use transporters.
This example requires JDK 1.5 to run, since is using JBoss Serialization (and non-serialized data objects). To run this example, run the Server class and then the Client class. This can be done via ant targets 'run-transporter-complex-server' and then 'run-transporter-complex-client' as well. For example:
ant run-transporter-complex-server
and then:
ant run-transporter-complex-client
The output for the client should look similar to:
*** Have a new patient that needs a doctor. The patient is: Patient: Name: Bill Gates Ailment - Type: financial, Description: Money coming out the wazoo. *** Looking for doctor that can help our patient... *** Found doctor for our patient. Doctor found is: Doctor: Name: Andy Jones Specialty: financial Patients: Patient: Name: Larry Ellison Ailment - Type: null, Description: null Doctor - Name: Andy Jones Patient: Name: Steve Jobs Ailment - Type: null, Description: null Doctor - Name: Andy Jones Patient: Name: Bill Gates Ailment - Type: financial, Description: Money coming out the wazoo. *** Set doctor as patient's doctor. Patient info is now: Patient: Name: Bill Gates Ailment - Type: financial, Description: Money coming out the wazoo. Doctor - Name: Andy Jones *** Have a new patient that we need to find a doctor for (remember, the previous one retired and there are no others) *** Could not find doctor for patient. This is an expected exception when there are not doctors available. org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.complex.NoDoctorAvailableException: No doctor available for ailment 'financial' at org.jboss.remoting.RemoteClientInvoker.invoke( at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke( at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke( at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke( at org.jboss.remoting.transporter.TransporterClient.invoke( at $Proxy0.findDoctor(Unknown Source) at org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.complex.client.Client.makeClientCall( at org.jboss.remoting.samples.transporter.complex.client.Client.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(
From the output see the creation of a new patient, Bill Gates, and the attempt to find a doctor that specializes in his ailment. For Mr. Gates, we were able to find a doctor, Andy Jones, and can see that he has been added to the list of Dr. Jones' patients. Then we have Dr. Jones retire. Then we create a new patient and try to find an available doctor for the same ailment. Since Dr. Jones has retired, and there are no other doctors that specialize in that particular ailment, an exception is thrown. This is as expected.