MBean Descriptor How To
JBoss Web uses JMX MBeans as the technology for implementing manageability of JBoss Web.
The descriptions of JMX MBeans for Catalina are in the mbeans-descriptor.xml file in each package.
You will need to add MBean descriptions for your custom components in order to avoid a "ManagedBean is not found" exception.
Adding MBean descriptions
You may also add MBean descriptions for custom components in a mbeans-descriptor.xml file, located in the same package as the class files it describes.
<mbean name="LDAPRealm" className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ClassNameMBean" description="Custom LDAPRealm" domain="Catalina" group="Realm" type="com.myfirm.mypackage.LDAPRealm"> <attribute name="className" description="Fully qualified class name of the managed object" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="debug" description="The debugging detail level for this component" type="int"/> . . . </mbean>