JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

JBoss Web Services 5.0.0.Final Documentation

by Alessio Soldano, Richard Opalka, Jim Ma, and Rebecca Searls


This book is the guide to JBoss Web Services stack. It covers information, details and some tutorials / examples.

1. Web Services Introduction
1.1. What is a web service?
1.1.1. Who needs web services?
1.1.2. What web services are not...
1.2. From concepts to technology
1.2.1. Service contracts
1.2.2. Message exchange
1.2.3. Advanced Web Services technologies
2. Quick Start
2.1. Developing web service implementations
2.1.1. The service implementation class
2.1.2. Deploying service implementations
2.2. Consuming web services
2.2.1. Creating the client artifacts
2.2.2. Constructing a service stub
2.2.3. Resolving dependencies and running the client
2.3. Maven archetype quick start
2.4. Appendix
2.4.1. Sample wsdl contract
3. JAX-WS User Guide
3.1. Web Service Endpoints
3.1.1. Plain old Java Object (POJO)
3.1.2. EJB3 Stateless Session Bean (SLSB)
3.1.3. Endpoint Provider
3.2. Web Service Clients
3.2.1. Service
3.2.2. Dynamic Proxy
3.2.3. WebServiceRef
3.2.4. Dispatch
3.2.5. Asynchronous Invocations
3.2.6. Oneway Invocations
3.2.7. Timeout Configuration
3.3. Common API
3.3.1. Handler Framework
3.3.2. Message Context
3.3.3. Fault Handling
3.4. WS Annotations
3.4.1. javax.xml.ws.ServiceMode
3.4.2. javax.xml.ws.WebFault
3.4.3. javax.xml.ws.RequestWrapper
3.4.4. javax.xml.ws.ResponseWrapper
3.4.5. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceClient
3.4.6. javax.xml.ws.WebEndpoint
3.4.7. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceProvider
3.4.8. javax.xml.ws.BindingType
3.4.9. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceRef
3.4.10. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceRefs
3.4.11. javax.xml.ws.Action
3.4.12. javax.xml.ws.FaultAction
3.5. 181 Annotations
3.5.1. javax.jws.WebService
3.5.2. javax.jws.WebMethod
3.5.3. javax.jws.OneWay
3.5.4. javax.jws.WebParam
3.5.5. javax.jws.WebResult
3.5.6. javax.jws.SOAPBinding
3.5.7. javax.jws.HandlerChain
4. JAX-WS Tools
4.1. Server side
4.1.1. Bottom-Up (Using wsprovide)
4.1.2. Down (Using wsconsume)
4.2. Client Side
4.3. WS binding customization
4.4. wsconsume
4.4.1. Command Line Tool
4.4.2. Maven Plugin
4.4.3. Ant Task
4.5. wsprovide
4.5.1. Command Line Tool
4.5.2. Maven Plugin
4.5.3. Ant Task
5. Advanced User Guide
5.1. Logging
5.1.1. JAX-WS Handler approach
5.1.2. Apache CXF approach
5.2. WS-* support
5.3. Address rewrite
5.3.1. Server configuration options
5.3.2. Dynamic rewrite
5.4. Configuration through deployment descriptor
5.4.1. context-root element
5.4.2. config-name and config-file elements
5.4.3. property element
5.4.4. component element
5.4.5. webservice-description element
5.5. Schema validation of SOAP messages
5.6. JAXB Introductions
5.7. WSDL system properties expansion
5.8. Predefined client and endpoint configurations
5.8.1. Overview
5.8.2. Assigning configurations
5.9. Authentication
5.9.1. Authentication
5.9.2. JASPI Authentication
5.10. Apache CXF integration
5.10.1. JBossWS integration layer with Apache CXF
5.10.2. Building WS applications the JBoss way
5.10.3. Bus usage
5.10.4. Server Side Integration Customization
5.10.5. Apache CXF interceptors
5.10.6. Apache CXF features
5.10.7. Properties driven bean creation
5.10.8. HTTPConduit configuration
5.11. Addressing
5.11.1. Enabling WS-Addressing
5.11.2. Addressing Policy
5.11.3. Example
5.12. WS-Security
5.12.1. WS-Security overview
5.12.2. JBoss WS-Security support
5.12.3. Examples
5.13. WS-Trust and STS
5.13.1. WS-Trust overview
5.13.2. Security Token Service
5.13.3. Apache CXF support
5.13.4. A Basic WS-Trust Scenario
5.13.5. ActAs WS-Trust Scenario
5.13.6. OnBehalfOf WS-Trust Scenario
5.13.7. SAML Bearer Assertion Scenario
5.13.8. SAML Holder-Of-Key Assertion Scenario
5.14. WS-Reliable Messaging
5.14.1. Enabling WS-Reliable Messaging
5.14.2. Example
5.15. SOAP over JMS
5.15.1. Configuring SOAP over JMS
5.15.2. Examples
5.16. HTTP Proxy
5.16.1. Configuration
5.17. WS-Discovery
5.17.1. Enabling WS-Discovery
5.17.2. Probing services
5.18. WS-Policy
5.18.1. Apache CXF WS-Policy support
5.18.2. JBossWS additions
5.19. Published WSDL customization
5.19.1. Endpoint address rewrite
5.19.2. System property references
6. JBoss Modules
6.1. Setting module dependencies
6.1.1. Using MANIFEST.MF
6.1.2. Using jboss-deployment-descriptor.xml
7. Legal Notice
8. Build and testsuite framework
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Prerequisites and requirements
8.2. Architecture overview
8.2.1. Target Container Identification
8.2.2. Port Mapping
8.3. Command Line Options
8.3.1. Profile
8.3.2. Options
8.3.3. Examples
8.4. Container remote debugging
A. Revision History