
Full name:



Maven plugin for deploying maven generated jars to the buildmagic repository. By default it will bind to the deploy phase.


Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
thirdpartyRepositoryDir String - This is the location that the jboss repository (non-maven) files will be copied to.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
artifactId String - This allows the maven artifactId to be overridden. For example, the pom artifactId might be "jboss-metadata", but the jboss repository artifactId should just be "metadata". Default value is: ${project.artifactId}.
componentId String - The componentId of the artifact(s) to be deployed. For example, the pom groupId might be "org.jboss.metadata", but the desired thirdparty repository componentId is "jboss.metadata". Default value is: ${project.groupId}.
componentVersion String - This allows the maven version to be overridden. Default value is: ${project.version}.
exports Set - This is the list of artifacts exported from this project. By default the project artifact will be included in this list. If there is no project artifact, this plugin will look for an attached artifact that matches the project name, and attempt to attach it. The list of exports can manually be set with the following configuration.
generateImports boolean - If set to true, this will tell the plugin to generate a listing of imports based on the project dependencies. Defaults to false;
imports Map - This is the map of components that this project depends on. If generateImports is set to true, the generated imports will be appended to the imports specified here.
license String - Name of license to add to component-info.xml. If no value is specified, then the first license from the pom.xml will be used.
removeArtifactVersion boolean - Boolean that determines if the artifact version should be included in the deployed jar files. Default value is: false.
skip boolean - This parameter provides an option to skip execution of the plugin. This parameter can be set from the command line using the property maven.jboss-deploy.skip.

Parameter Details

artifactId :

This allows the maven artifactId to be overridden. For example, the pom artifactId might be "jboss-metadata", but the jboss repository artifactId should just be "metadata".

componentId :

The componentId of the artifact(s) to be deployed. For example, the pom groupId might be "org.jboss.metadata", but the desired thirdparty repository componentId is "jboss.metadata".

componentVersion :

This allows the maven version to be overridden.

exports :

This is the list of artifacts exported from this project. By default the project artifact will be included in this list. If there is no project artifact, this plugin will look for an attached artifact that matches the project name, and attempt to attach it. The list of exports can manually be set with the following configuration.


generateImports :

If set to true, this will tell the plugin to generate a listing of imports based on the project dependencies. Defaults to false;

imports :

This is the map of components that this project depends on. If generateImports is set to true, the generated imports will be appended to the imports specified here.

license :

Name of license to add to component-info.xml. If no value is specified, then the first license from the pom.xml will be used.

removeArtifactVersion :

Boolean that determines if the artifact version should be included in the deployed jar files.

skip :

This parameter provides an option to skip execution of the plugin. This parameter can be set from the command line using the property maven.jboss-deploy.skip.

thirdpartyRepositoryDir :

This is the location that the jboss repository (non-maven) files will be copied to.