Benchmark report

Result summary

Best score summary

Useful for visualizing the best solver configuration.

Solver Total Average Standard Deviation Problem
comp01 comp02 comp03 comp04 comp05 comp06 comp07
Tabu Search  1 ! -10hard/-1632soft -2hard/-234soft 2.77/202.62
Late Acceptance  0 ! -5hard/-1503soft -1hard/-215soft 1.41/185.58

Best score scalability summary

Useful for visualizing the scalability of each solver configuration.

Winning score difference summary

Useful for zooming in on the results of the best score summary.

Solver Total Average Problem
comp01 comp02 comp03 comp04 comp05 comp06 comp07
Tabu Search  1 ! -5hard/-150soft -1hard/-22soft 0hard/-7soft  1 0hard/-39soft  1 ! 0hard/-28soft  1 0hard/-15soft  1 -4hard/-60soft  1 ! -1hard/-1soft  1 ! 0hard/0soft  0
Late Acceptance  0 ! 0hard/-21soft 0hard/-3soft 0hard/0soft  0 0hard/0soft  0 ! 0hard/0soft  0 0hard/0soft  0 0hard/0soft  0 ! 0hard/0soft  0 0hard/-21soft  1

Worst score difference percentage summary (ROI)

Useful for visualizing the return on investment (ROI) to decision makers.

Solver Average Problem
comp01 comp02 comp03 comp04 comp05 comp06 comp07
Tabu Search  1 ! 0.00%/1.55% 0.00%/0.00%  1 0.00%/0.00%  1 ! 0.00%/0.00%  1 0.00%/0.00%  1 0.00%/0.00%  1 ! 0.00%/0.00%  1 ! 0.00%/10.82%  0
Late Acceptance  0 ! 21.43%/14.09% 0.00%/46.67%  0 0.00%/17.33%  0 ! 0.00%/13.27%  0 0.00%/12.30%  0 50.00%/8.53%  0 ! 100.00%/0.55%  0 0.00%/0.00%  1

Performance summary

Average calculate count summary

Useful for comparing different score calculators and/or score rule implementations (presuming that the solver configurations do not differ otherwise). Also useful to measure the scalability cost of an extra constraint.

Solver Average Problem
comp01 comp02 comp03 comp04 comp05 comp06 comp07
Problem scale 114,256 28,800 113,200 100,400 128,700 49,248 162,450 217,000
Tabu Search  1 ! 11,849/s
Late Acceptance  0 ! 11,619/s

Time spent summary

Useful for visualizing the performance of construction heuristics (presuming that no other solver phases are configured).

Solver Average Problem
comp01 comp02 comp03 comp04 comp05 comp06 comp07
Problem scale 114,256 28,800 113,200 100,400 128,700 49,248 162,450 217,000
Tabu Search  1 ! 429,000
Late Acceptance  0 ! 429,000

Time spent scalability summary

Useful for extrapolating the scalability of construction heuristics (presuming that no other solver phases are configured).

Best score per time spent summary

Useful for visualizing trade-off between the best score versus the time spent for construction heuristics (presuming that no other solver phases are configured).


Entity count: 160
Variable count: 320
Problem scale: 28,800
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 14,303,220 bytes on average.


Entity count: 283
Variable count: 566
Problem scale: 113,200
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 14,102,348 bytes on average.


Entity count: 251
Variable count: 502
Problem scale: 100,400
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 13,762,884 bytes on average.


Entity count: 286
Variable count: 572
Problem scale: 128,700
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 13,773,604 bytes on average.


Entity count: 152
Variable count: 304
Problem scale: 49,248
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 13,791,292 bytes on average.


Entity count: 361
Variable count: 722
Problem scale: 162,450
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 13,809,072 bytes on average.


Entity count: 434
Variable count: 868
Problem scale: 217,000
Memory usage after loading the inputSolution (before creating the Solver): 13,826,600 bytes on average.

Tabu Search  1 !


Late Acceptance  0 !

Name 2015-09-27_215336
Aggregation false
Failure count 0
Starting timestamp Sep 27, 2015 9:53:36 PM
Warm up time spent 30,000 ms
Parallel benchmark count / available processors 1 / 8
Benchmark time spent 36,083,574 ms
Environment mode PRODUCTION
Logging level debug
Solver ranking class TotalScoreSolverRankingComparator
VM max memory (as in -Xmx but lower) 7,635,730,432 bytes
OptaPlanner version Unjarred development snapshot
Java version Java 1.7.0_79 (Oracle Corporation)
Java VM Java Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.79-b02 (Oracle Corporation)
Operating system Linux amd64 4.1.7-200.fc22.x86_64
Report locale en_US