1.7. PicketLink Installer
The PicketLink Installer is a simple Apache Ant script that applies all the necessary changes to your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform or WildFly installation, including:
Updates the PicketLink module with the latest libraries.
The installer is not a required step in order to get you started with PicketLink. But if you want the PicketLink module updated with a specific version(in order to avoid ship the libraries inside your deployment) in your server installation, it can be very useful.
The installer can be obtained from http://downloads.jboss.org/picketlink/2/2.7.0.Final/picketlink-installer-2.7.0.Final.zip. Once you've downloaded, extract the ZIP file, enter the directory that was created and execute the following command:
Now you should be prompted for the full path of your JBoss Application Server installation.
prepare: [echo] [echo] #################################################################################### [echo] Welcome to the PicketLink Installer [echo] [echo] This installer will update your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform installation with the [echo] following libraries and their dependencies: [echo] [echo] - PicketLink Core 2.7.0.Final [echo] - PicketLink Identity Management 2.7.0.Final [echo] - PicketLink Federation 2.7.0.Final [echo] [echo] New modules will be added to your installation. [echo] #################################################################################### [echo] [input] Which JBoss Application Server are you using ? ([eap], wildfly) eap [input] Please enter the path to your JBoss Application Server installation:
And it is done !
If you're using JBoss EAP, make sure you're using version 6.2+.
The installer is specially useful for those looking for the SAML capabilities provided by PicketLink. In this case, you must keep your server installation up-to-date with the latest version.