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1.7. PicketLink Installer

The PicketLink Installer is a simple Apache Ant script that applies all the necessary changes to your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform or WildFly installation, including:
  • Updates the PicketLink module with the latest libraries.


The installer is not a required step in order to get you started with PicketLink. But if you want the PicketLink module updated with a specific version(in order to avoid ship the libraries inside your deployment) in your server installation, it can be very useful.
The installer can be obtained from Once you've downloaded, extract the ZIP file, enter the directory that was created and execute the following command:
Now you should be prompted for the full path of your JBoss Application Server installation.
     [echo]       ####################################################################################
     [echo]       Welcome to the PicketLink Installer
     [echo]       This installer will update your JBoss Enterprise Application Platform installation with the
     [echo]       following libraries and their dependencies:
     [echo]       - PicketLink Core 2.7.0.Final
     [echo]       - PicketLink Identity Management 2.7.0.Final
     [echo]       - PicketLink Federation 2.7.0.Final
     [echo]       New modules will be added to your installation.
     [echo]       ####################################################################################
    [input] Which JBoss Application Server are you using ? ([eap], wildfly)
    [input] Please enter the path to your JBoss Application Server installation:
And it is done !


If you're using JBoss EAP, make sure you're using version 6.2+.
The installer is specially useful for those looking for the SAML capabilities provided by PicketLink. In this case, you must keep your server installation up-to-date with the latest version.