Community Documentation
RESTFul Web Services for Java
1. Overview
2. Installation/Configuration
2.1. javax.ws.rs.core.Application
2.2. RESTEasyLogging
3. Using @Path and @GET, @POST, etc.
3.1. @Path and regular expression mappings
4. @PathParam
4.1. Advanced @PathParam and Regular Expressions
4.2. @PathParam and PathSegment
5. @QueryParam
6. @HeaderParam
7. @MatrixParam
8. @CookieParam
9. @FormParam
10. @Form
11. @DefaultValue
12. @Cache, @NoCache, and CacheControl
13. @Encoded and encoding
14. @Context
15. JAX-RS Resource Locators and Sub Resources
16. JAX-RS Content Negotiation
17. Content Marshalling/Providers
17.1. Default Providers and default JAX-RS Content Marshalling
17.2. Content Marshalling with @Provider classes
17.3. MessageBodyWorkers
17.4. JAXB providers
17.4.1. Pluggable JAXBContext's with ContextResolvers
17.4.2. JAXB + XML provider
17.4.3. JAXB + JSON provider
17.4.4. JAXB + FastinfoSet provider
17.4.5. Arrays and Collections of JAXB Objects
17.4.6. Interfaces, Abstract Classes, and JAXB
17.5. YAML Provider
17.6. Multipart Providers
17.6.1. Input with multipart/mixed
17.6.2. java.util.List with multipart data
17.6.3. Input with multipart/form-data
17.6.4. java.util.Map with multipart/form-data
17.6.5. Output with multipart
17.6.6. Multipart Output with java.util.List
17.6.7. Output with multipart/form-data
17.6.8. Multipart FormData Output with java.util.Map
17.6.9. @MultipartForm and POJOs
17.7. Resteasy Atom Support
17.7.1. Resteasy Atom API and Provider
17.7.2. Using JAXB with the Atom Provider
17.8. Atom support through Apache Abdera
17.8.1. Abdera and Maven
17.8.2. Using the Abdera Provider
18. String marshalling for String based @*Param
19. Responses using javax.ws.rs.core.Response
20. ExceptionMappers
21. Configuring Individual JAX-RS Resource Beans
22. Asynchronous HTTP Request Processing
22.1. Tomcat 6 and JBoss 4.2.3 Support
22.2. Servlet 3.0 Support
22.3. JBossWeb, JBoss AS 5.0.x Support
23. Embedded Container
24. Server-side Mock Framework
25. Securing JAX-RS and RESTeasy
26. EJB Integration
27. Spring Integration
28. Client Framework
28.1. Abstract Responses
28.2. Sharing an interface between client and server
28.3. Client error handling
29. Maven and RESTEasy
30. Migration from older versions
30.1. Migrating to Resteasy Beta 6