JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 45. Maven and RESTEasy

JBoss's Maven Repository is at: http://repository.jboss.org/maven2

Here's the pom.xml fragment to use. Resteasy is modularized into various components. Mix and max as you see fit. Please replace 1.2.1.GA with the current Resteasy version you want to use.

   <!-- core library -->

   <!-- optional modules -->

   <!-- JAXB support -->
   <!-- multipart/form-data and multipart/mixed support -->
   <!-- Resteasy Server Cache -->
   <!-- Ruby YAML support -->
   <!-- JAXB + Atom support -->
   <!-- Apache Abdera Integration -->
   <!-- Spring integration -->
   <!-- Guice integration -->

   <!-- Asynchronous HTTP support with JBossWeb -->

   <!-- Asynchronous HTTP support with Servlet 3.0 (Jetty 7 pre5) -->

   <!-- Asynchronous HTTP support with Tomcat 6 -->


There is also a pom that can be imported so the versions of the individual modules do not have to be specified. Note that maven 2.0.9 is required for this.
