JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 33. Configuring Individual JAX-RS Resource Beans

If you are scanning your path for JAX-RS annotated resource beans, your beans will be registered in per-request mode. This means an instance will be created per HTTP request served. Generally, you will need information from your environment. If you are running within a servlet container using the WAR-file distribution, in 1.0.0.Beta-2 and lower, you can only use the JNDI lookups to obtain references to Java EE resources and configuration information. In this case, define your EE configuration (i.e. ejb-ref, env-entry, persistence-context-ref, etc...) within web.xml of the resteasy WAR file. Then within your code do jndi lookups in the java:comp namespace. For example:



resource code:

public class MyBean {

   public Object getSomethingFromJndi() {
      new InitialContext.lookup("java:comp/ejb/foo");

You can also manually configure and register your beans through the Registry. To do this in a WAR-based deployment, you need to write a specific ServletContextListener to do this. Within the listener, you can obtain a reference to the registry as follows:

public class MyManualConfig implements ServletContextListener
   public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event)

      Registry registry = (Registry) event.getServletContext().getAttribute(Registry.class.getName());


Please also take a look at our Spring Integration as well as the Embedded Container's Spring Integration