Class PropertyInjectorImpl

    • Method Detail

      • inject

        public CompletionStage<Void> inject​(HttpRequest request,
                                            HttpResponse response,
                                            Object target,
                                            boolean unwrapAsync)
                                     throws Failure
        Description copied from interface: PropertyInjector
        Inject values into annotated properties (fields/setter methods) of the target object. This method should only be used inside the scope of an HTTP request.
        Specified by:
        inject in interface PropertyInjector
        request - http request
        response - http response
        target - target object
        unwrapAsync - unwrap async
        CompletionStage or null if async isn't needed
        Failure - if application failure occurred
      • inject

        public CompletionStage<Void> inject​(Object target,
                                            boolean unwrapAsync)
        Description copied from interface: PropertyInjector
        Inject values into annotated properties (fields/setter methods) of the target object. This method should only be used outside the scope of an HTTP request.
        Specified by:
        inject in interface PropertyInjector
        target - target object
        unwrapAsync - unwrap async
        CompletionStage or null if async isn't needed